Alabama voters will head to the polls Tuesday, Dec. 12 to elect someone to fill the unexpired term of Jeff Sessions in the U.S. Senate in a race that has gained national attention.
On the ballot Tuesday, you will see two names: Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones. There will also be a spot to write in another candidate if you so desire.
This is an important race that we are afraid most Alabamians could care less about. It's a pretty easy bet that less than 20 percent of the registered voters in Alabama will cast ballots. With the low voter turnout, you can toss polls out the window – percentages don't win elections, votes do.
We hope we're wrong. We'd love to report next week that 80 or 90 percent of the registered voters in the state cast ballots, but that won't happen.
But your one vote does count. Every vote counts and those votes get magnified when you become one of a few to cast a ballot.
Polls will be open in Escambia County from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. All you need is to be a registered voter and have a valid photo ID to cast a ballot. There are no rules concerning crossover voting, nobody will ask your party affiliation, it's simply up to you to vote and let your voice be heard.
The nation will be watching this election very closely. We hope we don't send the message that people in other states care more about Alabama politics than the residents of Alabama.
Go to the polls Tuesday and vote!