Residents of Jay have been receiving messages with the new software from the town when it will be flushing water lines and hope to have the entire system flushed out in about a week according to town employee Eric Seib Monday night.
Through the flushing program, the town is doing a much better job of communicating with residents to flush the water system,” said Jay Mayor Shon Owens. “It is temporary, but we are going to stay on a flushing program until we have can determine the best long-term solution.”
North Commerce Street
The town council has looked at plans to make North Commerce Street one-way past Scott's to cut down on congestion and maybe even provide more parking. Large trucks coming from the cotton gin at the intersection of North Commerce Street and Highway 4 require space to make wide turns and cars use Scott's parking lot to turn around, which leads to heavy congestion in the area.
Mikah Jones, with Dewberry Engineering, presented preliminary plans several weeks ago of what the town was proposing after meeting with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and more research was required to determine rights-of-ways and space requirements that would meet FDOT codes for a public street.
“We are still in the preliminary stages, and plan a review to see if the town and the community are going to support the effort,” said Mayor Owens. “If we do complete it, there will be less traffic congestion, and also parking will be increased if we can work with the design.”
Fourth of July
Since the town of Jay will have fireworks on Wednesday, July 4, council members and the mayor hope to plan an event that will bring Jay area residents out for several hours that evening, not just to see the fireworks. The cost for having fireworks on the actual date of July 4 are higher. Town employee Eric Seib has been asking for donations from Jay and area businesses and has so far covered 25 percent of the funds needed to cover the cost.
Seib has also invited businesses to participate in whatever event the town determines it will host, whether it will be a parade, festival or other venue for residents to enjoy the celebration.
Mayor Owens would like to have input from residents and hopes that the event will bring the community out for the celebration.
“We are planning on some type of event for the Fourth of July,” said Mayor Owens. “Comments or suggestions from anyone with ideas would be helpful.”