Applications for absentee ballots available


Ledger Editor

Although ballots have not been released, applications for absentee ballots for the July 17 runoff elections in Escambia County (Ala.) are now available and ballots will be sent as soon as they arrive at the circuit clerk's office.

Circuit Clerk John Robert Fountain said he expects the runoff ballots to arrive this week.

Fountain also noted if a person voted absentee in the June 5 primary and checked the box on the application to request an absentee ballot for the runoff it will be mailed automatically. However, if the request for a runoff ballot was not checked for the primary election a new application will be required.

As of press time Wednesday, it was not clear whether there will be any runoffs on the Escambia County ballot Democratic ballot. Runoffs are set for the Republican Party.

Fountain also noted if you voted in the Republican Primary, you can only vote in the Republican runoff and vice versa.

If someone did not vote in the June 5 primary, whether by absentee or at the polls, they will be able to vote in the runoff of the party of their choice.

“If you voted in the Republican Primary, you can only receive a Republican runoff ballot,” Fountain said. “If you voted in the Democratic Primary, you can only receive a Democratic ballot.”

Fountain had to send back about 15 absentee voter applications for the primary because people did not check whether they wanted a Democratic or Republican ballot.

He also noted that if a person voting absentee in the primary checked the box to receive a ballot for the runoff, and receive a ballot, they will not be allowed to vote at the polls on July 17.

“If you didn't check the box requesting an absentee ballot for the runoff you will have to reapply,” Fountain said.

Applications for absentee ballots are available at the circuit clerk's office in Brewton, at the satellite courthouse in Atmore or can be downloaded from the secretary of state's website.

Fountain said that all ballots either need to be hand-delivered to his office in Brewton or mailed and postmarked by July 17.

The same goes for voting at the polls on July 17. If you voted in the Democratic Primary you will only be allowed to vote in the Democratic runoff and if you voted in the Republican Primary you will only be allowed to vote in the Republican runoff.

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