Eight-month old child fastened in seat is not injured in collision
Flomaton Fire Chief Steve Stanton said seatbelts and a child restraint seat possibly saved the lives of an Atmore couple and their 8-month old daughter when their vehicle collided into the side of an 18-wheeler Monday night in Flomaton.
"Somebody would have been dead, possibly the baby," Stanton said. "They were all wearing seatbelts and the baby was properly restrained in a safety seat in the backseat."
The mother of the child, Ashley McBride, did suffer non-life threatening injuries and was taken by helicopter to a Pensacola hospital. An update on her condidtion was not available as of press time.
According to police reports, James Money was driving with McBride in the front passenger seat and the child was in a child restraint seat in the back.
Money was headed south on Highway 31 when he approached the Highway 113 intersection. Money collided with an 18-wheeler driven by Kyle Paine of Helena, Ala., who was traveling north on Highway 31 and was turning left onto Highway 113 north.
Money and Paine both said they had the right-of-way when the crash occurred.
Stanton said when emergency personnel arrived on the scene Money was holding his daughter.
"She didn't have a scratch on her," Stanton said. "She was smiling. I can't stress enough how important it is to have children restrained properly in child restraint seats. As bad as this was, it could have been a lot worse."