Kavanaugh all about politics

If I had a dollar for every time somebody asked me my opinion of the circus surrounding the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court I'd have a pocket full of money.

I've watched, listened and read a lot about the process since Dr. Christie Blasey Ford came forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh when they were both in high school.

Some believe her, others don't. Some think it should disqualify Kavanaugh, others don't. Some believe the allegations should prompt the U.S. Senate to deny President Trump's appointee to the life-long job on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Like many people, I do wonder why it took Dr. Ford so long to come forward. I know, I've read all those stories about women (and men) who waited years before coming forward with sexual abuse charges, so I understand that concept.

But if Dr. Ford thought Kavanaugh was such a bad person, why did she keep her mouth shut when he was approved as a U.S. District Judge? If he's unfit to serve on the Supreme Court, he's unfit to serve right below it.

There's an old saying about not being able to see the trees for the forest or the forest for the trees; I can't remember which is right, but it fits here.

This is politics 101 and if people can't see that they are blind.

Democrats were going to oppose any nomination made by a Republican president just like Republicans would oppose any nominee put forth by a Democratic president. I guess they think that's their job. We're not crossing the aisle. I see it in local politics as well. Die hard Republicans support Republican candidates and Yellow Dog Democrats support candidates on the Democratic ticket. We've had people switch parties and they are welcomed with hugs on one side and cussed on the other. But most were the same person whether they were a Democrat or a Republican but in some people's minds they can only be a good candidate if they run under a certain party label.

Democrats are saying Kavanaugh is unfit due to his treatment of women. I wonder how they would have felt if Trump nominated Bill or Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court? We all know about Bill's treatment of women and we all know that Hillary stood by his side and enabled the multiple affairs and indiscretions, because it was good for her political career. 'To Hell with the women, I'm standing by my man to help me'.

Maybe Trump should have nominated the Pope. No, that won't work, because he's being accused of allowing and turning his back on the sexual abuse of children.

Doesn't that old saying about throwing rocks in a glass house ring a bell? Republicans and Democrats both want to take the moral high roads and both sides have enough skeletons in their closets to outfit the entire nation on Halloween.

The big loser in this mess is Democratic U.S. Sen. Doug Jones from Alabama. Before the sexual misconduct allegations came out against Kavanaugh, he was in a position to vote in favor of the nomination. Republicans didn't want that. A yes vote by Jones would have helped him with moderate Republicans in 2020 and he would still have all of his Democratic support. He'll vote no now and his chances of keeping his seat in 2020 have about as much of a chance as it snowing in south Alabama this week.

Republican Bradley Byrne will be the next U.S. Senator from the state of Alabama.

Kavanaugh's biggest mistake during his testimony before the Senate committee was blaming Democrats for trying to sabotage his candidacy. Judges are supposed to be non-partisan, they shouldn't care about party politics or party agendas. His job, if he gets the appointment, is to apply the law to the cases before him. He doesn't have to like the law, but he has a legal obligation to apply the law when he makes a decision.

So, my position is if I had a vote I'd vote to confirm Kavanaugh based on his record as a federal judge.

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