Democrat platform: deception & turmoil

From the very moment President Trump won the election two years ago, Democrats have been sternly and somewhat spasmodically warning voter outrage would send the Republicans packing in the next election. Here we are just weeks from Trump’s first midterm elections and it’s the Republicans with building outrage and the Democrats with growing derangement. Every election is a choice, but exactly what is the choice this election?

Under the brilliant courageous leadership of President Trump, deleterious Obama policies have been reversed and a tremendous tax cut has the economy actually growing again. With the best job market in over a generation, jobs are plentiful with more Americans working GOOD jobs than ever before. Wages are rising and American workers are keeping more of their paychecks, so consumer spend ing is robust. Hope for the American dream has been renewed.

Trump has brought the entire world back to the table for trade talks. The media ignores it, but one by one Trump is renegotiating fair trade deals and the American worker is the beneficiary. North Korean missiles have ceased, ISIS has been hobbled, and Iran is stumbling. The Europeans are whining, but they grudgingly and tacitly follow Trump’s lead because he is winning on every front. Trump is restoring global stability because allies and enemies alike know America will again stand for what they believe in and if necessary fight for it.

Turn off the news and objectively assess the world; and it’s obvious our situation is greatly improved. So what alternatives are the Democrats offering?

For starters, the vanguard of the Democrat Party are a pantheon of frauds: a fake Indian in Massachusetts, a fake Vietnam Veteran in Connecticut, a fake Mexican in Texas, and a fake Spartacus in New Jersey. This cast of misfits is lecturing us about the integrity and temperament of Justice Kavanaugh while doubling down on their own lies. And then even complaining loudly for be called out for their lies.

Notice the Democrats are not campaigning on their agenda of rescinding the tax cuts, cutting the military, gun control, MEDICARE for all, and open borders. They know Americans had enough of that nonsense in the last administration, so their whole campaign is Trump is the bogeyman.

Democrats know they must deceive voters to get votes. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill is the poster child for deception. She is livid that her and some of her staff were caught on tape by Project Veritas saying she is very pro-gun control and anti-Second Amendment, but as she put it: “Voters must never know or she would never be reelected.”

Since Democrats refuse to reveal their policy agenda and even hide it, what are they offering to do if they regain the Congress? Simple: impeachment, impeachment, impeachment! California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been mechanically repeating “impeachment” for two years, and if the Democrats win the House, they will most assuredly impeach Trump. And it will be silly stuff too. They will bring charges for everything from his joke that maybe Russia has Hillary’s emails to his orange complexion causes global warming.

In between impeachment circus acts, Democrats will try to repeal the Trump tax cuts and hamstring this administration at every turn. The Congress will be completely paralyzed with Trump Derangement Syndrome for the next 2 years. The daily absurdities will make CNN sound somewhat rational.

Bringing untold havoc to Congress, Democrats will also continue their increasing pattern of violence. Former Attorney General Eric Holder was empathic saying “when they go low, we kick them.” Hillary Clinton quite clearly stated there will be no civility until the Democrats regain power. And she means all the power when she is finally elected president.

The Democrat Party has driven off the leftist cliff at incredible speed. They must deceive the public to get elected, they promise only turmoil, and they will pursue their penchant for violence until there is no dissent in the land. Power hungry and now starved, they have gone stark raving mad. The Democrat Party sorely needs an intervention and the only hope is to send them a clear message this election. Reject turmoil and violence!

Perhaps with debilitating election losses, Democrats will finally reflect and retreat from their destructive leftist binge. At this point, giving Democrats control of government would be like giving the keys to your car to a junkie on bath salts.

“Reject a divisive man after a first and second admonition.” Titus 3:10

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