Illegal immigration is a political football

Illegal immigration has been a political football for decades. Kicked around by one side wanting cheap labor and the other seeking votes, the dirty secret is neither side particularly wanted to score a solution. Those interests still exist, but the dangers of almost nonexistent border security are overshadowing both. The practically free flow of drugs and criminal elements across our southern border has reached epidemic proportions. Americans are fed up with the chaos; they want this whole mess solved!

For years, we have witnessed a steady stream of heinous crimes committed by hardened criminals who not only entered the country illegally, they have done so multiple times. Kate Steinle’s murderer had been deported FIVE times. Migrant gang violence is out of control across the nation with unbelievably gruesome mutilations and murders by MS13. Most recently, a Mexican gang member illegally in California gunned down Newman Police Officer Ronil Singh during a DUI investigation. Why are we importing the dregs of foreign societies? While there are many decent people just trying to improve their lives among the migrants, President Trump is spot on that the scum are mixed in.

Felonious illegal immigrants deserve our focus and ire, but the wayward illegal immigrants just looking for work deserve some sympathy. These poor migrants are being abused and exploited by everyone. Moronic non-profits like Pueblos Sin Fronteras encourages peasants to make a very dangerous trip where they are preyed upon by banditos robbing them, cartels pressing them into smuggling drugs, or human traffickers raping them. The liberal solution was to provide the morning after pill to the wives and daughters should they get raped. And since we have minimal border security, these oppressors follow them across the border to continue the abuse. This is liberal compassion: migrants will be abused physically and sexually trying to come to America and exploited this side of the border because they have to live hiding from the law, but their bonus is they get to one day vote Democrat.

True compassion would be to enforce border security to STOP illegal immigration. America benefits by stemming the tide of trouble makers, but the migrants benefit because it keeps them away from the highway men and smugglers and puts the human traffickers out of business. Here is the secret Democrats don’t’ want you to know: if we have functioning border security, Republicans will work for comprehensive immigration reform to make the path to citizenship easier, streamline the process for work permits, and even increase all the quotas. However, Americans must understand the history that in 1986 when President Reagan agreed to amnesty for about 3 million illegal immigrants for the promise of immigration reform, he was swindled – it never happened. Conservatives won’t make that mistake again.

So this whole border and immigration morass could be solved. We just need border security! A secure border protects Americans, precludes migrants from being exposed to predators, and precipitates real immigration reform. So why not a wall? We have tried everything but a wall.

Liberals are always looking to eastern mystics for wisdom, so how about the Chinese? Several dynasties built, expanded, and maintained the Great Wall of China for many centuries because IT WORKED! The Vatican built a wall first to protect against Saracen (Muslim) raiders, but they kept it because it worked to protect the Papacy from the tumultuous turmoil of Roman politics. President Obama scolded Trump for trying to “hide behind a wall,” but the first thing Obama did to his post-presidential home was build a wall around it. And he should because it works to protect him from intruders.

$5 billion is a lot of many, but in the scheme of federal budgets, it’s only about one tenth of one percent of the about $4.4 trillion the federal government spent last year. So what’s the big deal? Try something new and build the darn wall, but it’s not really about the wall. It’s all about Trump. Democrats and the media loathe him and cannot allow him ANY success. They want him to be perceived as a failure, so they can impeach him or beat him in 2020. Forget about the safety of Americans, the plight of illegal immigrants, or the strain on our budget, this is all politics and denying their sworn enemy any grain of success.

Democrats are desperately trying to blame Trump for the government shutdown, but Americans are weary of that charade. Trump may have the last laugh and get the wall. Most of the furloughed federal employees are Democrats and our inane immigration system with lack of resources is being forced to dump hundreds of illegal detainees on Democrat border towns already unable to handle the hordes. So it may be the Democrat Congressional Districts along the border that cry uncle and force Senate Democrats to play ball.

“From one man He made every nation of men, to inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands.” Acts 17:26

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