McDavid School yearbook donated

The picture accompanying today's column is from the 1955 McDavid School annual which was recently donated to ASHS by Ronnie Yaden and his sister Linda Yaden Steadham. Linda does not appear in the annual, being a 1 year old at the time; Ronnie is on the left in the middle row of McDavid's 1954-55 second graders. Ronnie, Linda and the rest of the Yaden family were my neighbors in 1955. We appreciate them thinking of us and we value the donation.

I also do not appear in the 1955 annual, as I didn't start school until later that year. There was no 1956 annual, but I will always have my memories of McDavid School.

In the picture the second grade class is shown sitting on the steps of the room that originally was the lunchroom. In my time, and probably for the 1954-55 school year as well, that room was the 1st and 2nd grade classroom.

A separate block building had been built to house the lunchroom/auditorium. Some of my favorite memories involve the plays we presented under the direction of Margaret Crary, principal and 5th and 6th grade teacher.

The dedication reads "We the members of McDavid School wish to dedicate our annual to the P.T.A. of McDavid School. We desire to do this because of the many services which you have rendered to the school. The school considers the P.T.A. a close and dependable friend, and we appreciate its work and cooperation very much."

The 1954-55 faculty was: Mrs. Margaret Crary, Mrs. Rosa Smith, and Mrs. Alice Sydenham (This is the spelling from the annual, I have always heard her spoken of as Mrs. Sydneham.) Other school employees listed are Mrs. Vernell Carnley, lunchroom manager and Mr. Ray Fuqua, bus driver and custodian. During my time at McDavid my 1st and 2nd grade teacher was Mrs. Smith, my 3rd and 4th grade teacher was Mrs. Latimer, and my 5th and 6th grade teacher was Mrs. Crary, who also served as the school principal. Mrs. Carnley was still in the lunchroom, assisted by Mr. Ray, who also served as a bus driver and the school custodian (as well as being my favorite neighbor). Mr. A.D. Bowman was also a bus driver.

PTA officers were: President-Mrs. A.D. Bowman, and Vice President-Mrs. Raymond Truesdell.

Student leaders identified were: President-- Molly Ann Morris, Vice President--Ronnie Griffis, Secretary-- Joan Black, Yearbook Editor-- Carolyn Milligan, and Assistant Editor-- Shirley Brown; Student Council: Jerry Wayne Sheffield, Carolyn Sue Sheffield, Jimmie Long, Christine Milligan, Bruce Yaden, Donna Van Merkenstyn, John Sheffield, June Truesdell, Ronnie Yaden, Mary Jo Milligan, and Billy Welch.

Some of the students shown in the annual I still see frequently. Many others I see occasionally. A few I never knew; and a few others moved away after a few years living in McDavid. Some, including some I counted as among my dearest friends, are no longer living. In my mind I still see the good times we had on the playground at McDavid as well as the later years at Century High School. Thanks for the memories, Ronnie and Linda and the rest of my McDavid School Friends.