Molech has nothing on abortion bloodlust

On the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling in Roe Versus Wade making abortion legal throughout the land, the New York legislature marked the occasion by passing a state law to allow abortion right up until the moment before live birth. The abortion debate has raged since that fateful shameful day, but it seemed we at least at consensus that late term abortions were extremely brutal and unnecessary. Most states ban abortion in the third trimester when the baby is considered viable outside the womb. But once again we suddenly find abortion bloodlust remains unquenched.

Before we even address the gruesome inhumanity of this practice, such laws clearly contradict settled law about the sanctity of each individual life. If anyone whether driving drunk or wielding a weapon kills a pregnant women, that perpetrator is charged with taking two lives, the mother and her unborn baby. Many states consider substance abuse by a pregnant woman tantamount to child abuse. So the law in various circumstances considers an unborn child a human life.

An unborn child is certainly protected by many laws with one glaring exception: if the mother simply doesn’t want the child. Feminists and cowardly men will howl they need abortion to protect the health of the mother; never mind that 95+% of abortions are for “unwanted” pregnancies or more precisely birth control. Modern medicine has advanced so that mothers can be protected and if there is a grave danger, it’s known long before the third trimester.

But it’s no longer just the physical survival of the mother. The New York law and others being considered by other states like Virginia and Rhode Island now also add mental health. So a stressed out mother can go into labor, change her mind, and legally direct the doctor to just snuff out that infant before he emerges. But even that callous disregard for life is NOT enough. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, also a pediatric neurologist, chimes in that if necessary, the baby can be delivered and “made comfortable” while the doctor and mother decide if the child should be executed! You read that right. The loony left is no longer satisfied with late term abortions; THEY NOW WANT POST TERM ABORTIONS!!!

Where will it end?! The American abortion industry has left the ancient heathen child sacrificing cultures in the dust. Molech was a Semitic pagan god of fire associated with the Ammonites; he was a human form with a bull’s head. Semitic pagan followers believed Molech required child sacrifices. The likeness of Molech would be made into a large hollow brass idol with outstretched arms. They would build a roaring fire inside the idol and heat it until it was glowing; and then place an infant in its hands to burn to death. They would play flutes and beat drums to drown out the agonizing screams of the child and require the mother to observe without crying to show her voluntary approval to appease the demon god.

Today we are much worse than those ancient pagans. They killed their children to ostensibly gain favor with a pagan god; we kill our babies for convenience. They made noise to cover the excruciating carnage; the New York legislature cheered upon passing their morbid law, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo gladly signed it for smiling spectators, and New York City celebrated by bathing the night skyline in pink. What is more evil than rejoicing in the deaths of innocent lives?

The charade that abortion is vital for women’s “reproductive health or rights” is absurd and cynical beyond words. Killing unwanted babies is clearly counter to reproduction and the overwhelming majority of cases have NOTHING to do with health. Disadvantaged and poor women are being misled that aborting their babies somehow preserves their well-being, but even more heinous they are not warned of the emotional torment and spiritual damage. Many women are consumed with remorse when they later bring a baby to term and see firsthand the fragile little life that was ended for personal convenience.

While the pink hat mobs shriek about controlling their bodies that they can’t seem to control for sex or pregnancy, the real dirty secret is this is not about birth control for the privileged man hating feminists. It’s really about population control. Black babies are three times and Hispanic babies are twice as likely to be aborted as white babies. Planned Parenthood is quietly fulfilling the mission laid out by their founder, Margaret Sanger. Hillary Clinton’s hero advocated for “eugenics” which is the purging of undesirables from society, most notably disabled persons and minorities. Hitler was also a eugenics disciple.

Feminists will rail that they should have the sole prerogative over the fate of innocent unborn lives, but it is the duty of all Americans male or female to protect the most vulnerable in our land. God have mercy on America for the awful horrid stain of abortion.

"'Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 18:21

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