Stay involved in education

Today, schools within the Escambia County (Ala.) School System open their doors to parents for conferences with teachers to visit with those who have the responsibility of educating their children.

Teachers have a tough job and it only gets tougher when parents aren't involved in their children's education. For years we've heard that parent-teacher conference days were a waste of time because the only parents or guardians who ever show up are the parents and guardians of students who are doing well in the classroom. Too many times teachers don't get to see the parents of those students who are struggling.

Parent-teacher conferences are a much-needed aspect of education because the two together are so vital in the educational success of the students. Teachers can't succeed without the parents and parents can't succeed without the teachers. They need to be on the same page with the same goal.

Hopefully classrooms will be filled with parents today who genuinely care about the educational progress of their children.

They have such scheduled conferences at least twice a year. But we also encourage parents to stay involved in their child's education all year long.

Our bet is any teacher in any school will make arrangements to meet with you if you have questions or concerns about how your child is doing in school. Our bet is also that teachers will welcome the opportunity to talk to you about your child's progress most any time during the school year.

You may have had a conflict today and weren't able to attend the conference with your child's teachers. Pick up the phone, call the school and tell the teacher you would like to talk to him or her.

Parents and teachers working together is the key to a quality education. There's no substitute for parental involvement in a child's education.

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