The Sunshine Report

Follow these General Rules For Staying Focused:

Concentration is a key factor in bringing a rational base to any important situations. The following are some general ground rules for you to think about if you need to work on improving your ability to concentrate:

ALWAYS BE WHERE YOU ARE. All power is futile unless it is focused. Unless you direct all your energies to one point, you will never perform any task quite as capable as you possibly could.

ONE THING AT ONCE. It is a proven fact that the quickest way to get many things accomplished is to do only one thing at once. When you try to do two things at once, you generally end up doing neither.

ONE TRACK MIND. When it comes to performing a major task, you need a one-track mind. Yet, the major reason why we lose focus is because there is a part of us that knows what we should do, and a part of us that wants to do something else. When we do this our faculties are scattered, making results minimal.

FOCUS CREATES MOMENTUM. Focus is important because it creates momentum. It gets us into the swing of things. Once into it, we open the door for a positive movement in the right direction. We are then in a better position to focus all your efforts a single task, and do it extremely well -- then move on to the next.

CONCENTRATION IS LEARNED. It is learned through perpetual practice – constantly practicing how to bring all our scattered forces together to project on a legitimate concern. In short, practice concentrating is an ongoing job.

CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS. A lot of us lose focus because of our emotions. The centerpiece of thought process becomes the emotion itself, leading to the tendency to lose control. We perform better when we focus on the job at hand -- and not on the ups and downs that permeate from emotional reactions.

DIRECT YOUR ENERGIES. To perform duties as capable as possibly, requires directing energies toward the task before us. We will succeed only in proportion to how diligent we are in focusing on the single purpose of doing our best!

FOCUS ON EXCELLENCE. How badly do we want to succeed? Our concentration is greater when we visualize a performance of excellence. Thinking thoughts of excellence leads to focusing performing with excellence.