McCabe leading sedition

Sedition is a somewhat esoteric word. Seldom used, it means “conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state.” Depending on what side you are, you could be considered a patriot or a villain. Rebels like Ho Chi Minh, Mao, and Pol Pot were considered villains. Those who rebelled against King George III and King Louis XVI were considered patriots. The rabid “resistance” to President Trump also bizarrely consider themselves patriots, so they applaud acts of sedition as justified.

Hoping to curry favor with the resistance and garner sympathy from our hopelessly biased media, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is doubling down on his sedition. McCabe’s ridiculous new book touts his efforts to “protect America in the age of terror and Trump,” so he’s making the media rounds to sell it and convince us he’s a patriot. Fired and still under criminal investigation, he has huge legal bills and legal jeopardy looming. So some cash from his sordid screed is sorely needed. But he also needs public support.

McCabe may also be warning is co-conspirators that if he goes down, he will try to take everyone else with him. There is really nothing new in his book or recent interviews except we are hearing him brazenly confirm what we all knew or suspected all along. However, his affirmations should SHOCK every American! It‘s now undeniable that high ranking officials in the FBI and DOJ were actually contemplating a coup of a constitutionally elected American president!!!

In the days after Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey, FBI and DOJ leadership were scrambling on how to keep their corrupt partisan misdeeds hidden and also preserve the Russian collusion witch hunt. One of the options was to remove the president of the United States! Ponder that for a moment. Like some TV spy series, faceless bureaucrats seriously considered how to topple a duly elected president!

This is garbage we expect from totalitarian regimes, not democratic republics. McCabe again claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s offer to wear a wire to trap Trump was serious. Rosenstein again made an odd “non-denial denial,” but it is now indisputable these rogue apparatchiks discussed how to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump.

Realizing they could not get the Vice President and a majority of cabinet members as prescribed in the Amendment to support such a coup, they abandoned the idea. Aside from their seditious designs, they are also poor lawyers. The 25th Amendment is intended to remove an incapacitated president, not one whose politics you abhor. If their reasons did have merit, the proper avenue would be impeachment. So these knuckleheads were not only trying to overturn the will of the people, they were thinking about circumventing the Constitution.

Even though that didn’t work, we are left with the unavoidable fact unelected officials were desperately trying to thwart Trump by whatever means possible. Failing with removal from office, McCabe ordered a criminal investigation of Trump for obstruction of justice. He and Rosenstein also coerced weak administration officials to appoint a Special Counsel to hopefully hound Trump out of office.

It is now even clearer the entire Russian collusion narrative is a hoax and cover up; and Mueller’s imminent report will show they have nothing on Trump. It’s all so muddled, it’s worth recounting what Russian collusion is supposed to be and what it’s not.

Despite the media misleading the public, there are no allegations Russians tampered with any votes and this is still a surprise to many Democrats. The actual allegations are the Trump campaign coordinated with Russians to malign Hillary on social media; never mind the sparse Russian trolling targeted both sides. The main accusation is that the Trump campaign cooperated with Russians to hack the DNC servers. Never mind that the source of the hack is still unknown and the DNC refused to allow the FBI to even look at their servers. And oh by the way, the hacked emails exposed how Hillary stole the Democrat Primary and that John Podesta is a pretty weird dude. Inexplicably, Democrat malfeasance merits no scrutiny.

McCabe is only demonstrating what we already knew. The FBI is determined to hide how they gave Hillary a pass for her illegal email handling and that they spied on the Trump campaign under false pretenses. So they activated their “insurance policy” to cover up their criminal acts and hopefully hamstring Trump if not remove him.

This grave damage to our republic can only be mitigated by holding these deep state rebels accountable. Prosecutions for sedition should proceed, but the whole story could implicate President Obama. So don’t hold your breath.

“David asked him, "Why weren't you afraid to lift your hand to destroy the LORD's anointed?" 2 Samuel 1:14

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