Americans are fiercely independent and will fight to preserve our cherished freedoms, but they are also the kindest most generous and genuine people on the planet. We constantly send private and public aid to people of every ethnic and racial background in every corner of the world. Every natural disaster or war, Americans are there to provide comfort, food, or protection. We never pause to wonder who, but only rush to help anyone in need.
Racism certainly exists; it always has and always will. America has had dark regrettable chapters in our history, but we as a people never accepted them as right. We faced our short comings and moved on. We still have challenges, but they are largely aberrations. A few crazies cling to ignorant and mean ideas, but Americans categorically reject any cruel or unfair treatment of anybody. Regardless of color, Americans care for the downtrodden and love our heroes. We acknowledge and respect excellence whether it’s Michael Jordan or Drew Breeze.
America is a great nation because Americans are good. They believe in equality, hard work, liberty, and justice. Those are virtues regarded by Americans of all races; and we also despise slugs and thugs. The politically correct thought police expose their own racism by assuming any disdain for criminals and loafers is veiled code for people of color. Newsflash! People of color embrace virtue too; and they don’t endorse crime. Our traditional American values are colorless and timeless.
So why did the mainstream media and countless celebrities and pundits rush to judgement over the very transparent Jussie Smollett racial assault hoax? They did the same thing just a few weeks ago with Covington Catholic High School students. That fraud was exposed quickly, but the media lagged in correcting their gross misreporting. They shrug off the falsehood and cynically claim the premise holds anyway.
In each case with distinct and surreal glee and gloom, they loudly and repeatedly castigated America as hopelessly innately racist. Why? Because they fervently hoped these incidents were true. Because they are sure Americans particularly Trump supporters are racist. The media and political elite disdain traditional American values and for that matter loathe average Americans especially if they wear red hats.
Liberalism needs it to be true. Like any crisis or plague, liberalism needs climate change, economic malaise, or racism to be real, so they can cow liberty loving Americans into believing America must be fundamentally transformed. Liberals must sow division, fear, and hate to gain power. In the short term, they need it to defeat Trump. In the long term, they need it so that Americans will submit to being dependent on government. Harmonious prosperous Americans will demand their independence and liberty; and never submit.
If Americans can live and work together to provide for themselves, they don’t need socialism. The liberal movement must convince Americans they need heavy handed government to provide for us because we can’t do it on our own. And they must protect us from each other with our intractable persistent racism.
But contrary to one CNN anchor, that is NOT “America in 2019.” We work together. We play sports together. We serve in the military together. We have babies together. We worship together. We have learned when it comes to ideals and values, we are one people! Race is irrelevant.
America is still the great melting pot. People from every imaginable background come to this country now for centuries to make a better life for their families, to breathe freedom, and to simply be Americans. They come because our founders gave us a durable republic based on sound principles. It does not need to be transformed.
The work is never done and the journey never ends, but we must repudiate the misguided media and liberal politicians that seek to divide us for political expediency. The American dream is still available to all. Don’t let anyone derail the great American train. Everyone is welcome aboard!
“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:13.