The seduction of socialism

Democrats, liberals, progressives, or however one characterizes leftists have been flirting if not having a downright love affair with socialism for more than a century. Until recently, socialism was generally considered taboo in America. We are a free nation of fiercely independent people who intensely cherish their liberty. So the thought of dependence on anyone was repulsive. Americans traditionally claimed the absolute right to work and worship as they choose. Perhaps not so much anymore.

​It has been building the past few decades, but since Democrats won back the House, the crusade for socialism has hit a distinct crescendo. Calls for socialism reached fever pitch when President Obama pushed for universal health care, but Democrat presidential candidates and newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have revived that chorus. They want MEDICARE for all, free education, and lots of other free stuff. Their “Green New Deal” ostensibly heals the environment and rectifies all social injustices.

​How did socialism come into vogue in the freest nation on the earth? For starters, most people don’t know what socialism really is. “Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective, or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.”

​The text book definition is a mouthful, but in short it means the government has ultimate authority and control of everything. Government control of anything should scare the pants off of liberty loving Americans, but liberals and particularly millennials are increasingly seduced by the siren call of socialism.

​Leftists arguably just want power, but for some average Americans the allure is security. Until President Trump revitalized the economy, the stagnant economy instilled hopelessness in many citizens. Too many believed they could never make it on their own. They were convinced they could never afford healthcare unless someone else paid for it. And with a precarious uncertain economy, they looked to government for basic needs. Simply, they are scared.

​Millennials largely think the American dream is dead or was a cynical fantasy. Our education system inculcated our youth to believe capitalism is cruel, oppressive, and unfair. They are taught America is a pirate nation plundering the world to horde wealth away from the masses. They are sure prosperity is a zero sum game; that there is a finite amount of wealth in the world. Certain old white men got in line first and cornered the vast majority of wealth, the only way for them to get their fair share is to take it from the rich.

​There is virtually no appreciation for the fact capitalism creates new wealth. Leftists cannot grasp or refuse to believe America is the most prosperous nation on the planet because we built it; they are certain we stole it. So if all wealth is stolen, they believe redistributing it to the people is only right. But they fail to realize the government officials who seize the wealth see themselves as better custodians and will retain generous portions before they allot paltry crumbs to the huddled masses.

​Socialism is not security; it is slavery. Socialist governments tell you everything belongs to the people, but the people control NOTHING. The government becomes responsible for everyone, so they must control everything to ensure everyone gets something – the government tells you what you can have. And if you have too much, it’s confiscated.

​Consider the socialist agenda. They will guarantee everyone a job, so everyone is paid whether they produce or not. To ensure equality and enough to go around, they must confiscate the vast majority of individual production. Administrators of these ambitious programs must fulfill greater responsibilities, so they must have more comfort and convenience. How is this different than the plantation owner living in the big house administering production of his slaves and determining how much is left to care for the slaves?

​If a majority of Americans decide they want to forfeit responsibilities for their basic needs, they will find eager masters in socialism. But they will also find prosperity to be fleeting because everyone except government officials get the same share whether they contribute or not. So wealth will shrink because unlike capitalist entrepreneurs, the government cannot risk wealth to create wealth.

​Millennials may think socialism will be like an all-inclusive cruise, but socialism pulls the plug on growth and liberty. It is no more than feeding people on a sinking ship. Depending on the size of the ship, it may sink quickly or slowly, but sink it surely will.

​“He will demand a tenth of your flocks, and you will be his slaves.” 1 Samuel 8:17

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