Israel is not the target

Newly elected freshman Democrats in the House of Representatives are causing substantial consternation for the Democrat Party particularly the leadership. Drifting left for decades, Democrats lurched left under President Obama, but following the lead of an unlikely barmaid from the Bronx, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, they have dropped all pretenses. The Democrat Party has become a radical hard left movement; they are now unabashed avowed socialists.

​While liberals and particularly millennials believe socialism has finally become fashionable in America, they recklessly dismiss or disregard the grave dangers of totalitarianism that inevitably must accompany socialism. A nation like Venezuela may volunteer for socialism, but it can only be maintained by coercion and force. Socialism requires a grand manipulation of the people. They must believe they have been cheated or oppressed, so there must be a culprit or an oppressor – there must be someone to blame.

​Jews are the historic scapegoat; they were accused of hording and wielding money to control the banks, the economy, and governments to enrich themselves while depriving the common folk. This narrative manifested as bitter hatred persecuting Jews for centuries; it is anti-Semitism and it still endures. The two recently elected first ever MuslimCongresswomen more than flirt with anti-Semitism.

In her short tenure, Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar has roiled the Congress with repeated anti-Semitic comments and tweets. Even some Democrats were appalled by her brazen bigotry causing quite a rift and headache for Speaker Pelosi. There were bipartisan calls to censure her, so Pelosi attempted a resolution condemning her comments. But Pelosi quickly discovered the divide was deep and more than a few Democrats defended Omar.

A specific reprimand of Omar became impossible showing the Democrat Party now not so tacitly condones anti-Semitism. While leftists loathe the only Democracy and America’s only true friend in the Middle East, they hate the Judeo-Christian foundation of America even more. So the resolution to denounce Omar’s incendiary comments was slyly shifted to condemn all bigotry or in essence the engrained racism of America.

Anti-Semitism was still included, but anti-Muslim bigotry was also added. Suddenly Omar was a victim too; she smugly glowed that for the first time in American history anti-Muslim bigotry is condemned. She will undoubtedly continue spewing venom against Israel, but she has cleverly turned the tables. She will insist her vitriol is valid criticism, but any rebuttal to her will be anti-Muslim bigotry.

Judaism is compatible with American freedom; Islam is not. Democrats sidelined blatant anti-Semitism to protect one of its sources. Americans embrace religious tolerance and defend our right to believe whatever we want, but Islam is completely intolerant of other religions. While Muslims are free to worship in America, how do we give credence and even preeminence to a religion wholly contrary to traditional American values?

Islam is given a pass precisely because it undermines American culture. Leftists believe our society is intrinsicallyracist, so anything that dilutes Americanism is acceptable. The Democrat anti-bigotry resolution also emphasized white supremacy for exploiting everyone from LGBTQ to Pacific Islanders. The insinuation is that since white supremacy oppresses everyone else, it is the prevailing force in our hopelessly flawed country.

Despite Democrat dreams, white supremacists are a tiny irrelevant minority in America today. If they weren’t persistently hyped by the media, you would be hard pressed to find one. So what is this disproportionate obsession with white supremacists, white privilege, and just plain whiteness? Those are all code words for the dominant culture, Christianity.

Anti-Christian bigotry was not included in the Democrat resolution because America was founded on Christian principles which are thereby the ostensible source of all bigotry. If Democrats ever hope to fully implement socialism, Christianity must be mitigated if not obliterated. While Omar and others will still rail against Israel, their real target is America because we are still largely a nation of Christians.

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” John 15:18