Mourn the innocent; reject radicals

The world was stunned by the savage senseless attacks on two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. With over 50 slaughtered and scores wounded, the cruel carnage shocked average people around the planet who were repulsed by the violence and deeply saddened by the incredible loss of innocent lives. In times of catastrophe, affiliation matters not. The victims were children, the elderly, families; they were human beings cut down by a mad man. This is when our humanity should transcend any differences for God created everyone.

We can disagree on politics and religion, but we can and should agree murdering anyone is flat wrong. The gunmen certainly targeted Muslims, but from his manifesto it becomes clear he is crazy. He is a self-described white supremacist, but also subscribes variously as a fascist and socialist and says he hates conservatism. Beyond hatred for Muslims, he states his attack was designed to evoke new calls for gun control which he hopes will trigger another civil war in the United States. In short, the gunman is WACKO, so trying to assign blame for his lunatic actions to any group or ideology is ridiculous. He is not “right wing;” he is simply a wing nut.

However, the perpetrator and his actions should be recognized as pure evil. Evil doesn’t require logic; it only seeks death and separation from God. Just like we saw evil in Las Vegas where there is still no known motive and Orlando where night clubbers were gunned down for being homosexual. None of it makes any sense, but it is all certainly evil.

You would think unity against evil would be obvious and easy, but different groups let their agendas get in the way. At a New York University vigil for the Christchurch victims, a Muslim student decried Chelsea Clinton as culpable for the attack because of her criticism of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s (MN-D) persistent anti-Semitic remarks. The student accused the younger Clinton of fomenting anti-Muslim hatred. Making odd bedfellows, Donald Trump Jr. came to Chelsea’s defense.

This is where decent people become frustrated and the nut jobs emboldened. Criticism is not condemnation. We should be able to engage in reasoned debate about certain aspects of any ideology or religion and still maintain tolerance of different beliefs and ideas. Pagans are not persecuted, but human sacrifice is still illegal. Mormons are not banished, but our society agreed polygamy is not acceptable. And criticizing anti-Semitism is not anti-Muslim.

In an open free diverse society, we can get along, but it’s silly to think there will not be conflicts or contrary interests. But what is even more absurd is to not have open honest debate about our differences. When there is no redress for disagreements or grievances, frustrations will find another outlet. The lack of healthy vigorous debate only breeds aggravations that could erupt violently.

The overwhelming majority of people around the world roundly condemn the Mosque attacks in New Zealand and rightly mourn the dead. No one should be murdered for their faith anywhere, so everyone should without question condemn the New Zealand shooter. Reject his insanity, but also reject Boko Haram and Fulani Jihadists for murdering some 120 Christians in Nigeria in just the past three weeks. Christians and Jews are being brutally persecuted across the Middle East, Africa, Europe, China, and the Philippines. And that will continue until we face the very real threats of radicals everywhere.

We are in a vicious cycle. Some radicals continue their violence because they are rarely held to account, but that only begets other radicals seeking to even the score. Until we sincerely reject all radicals, this horrific cycle of violence will continue.

“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” Romans 12:19

Rendered 01/05/2025 09:15