Public, pick up trash Earth Day

The Escambia County (Ala.) Commission is asking the public to join the Earth Week project April 20 through April 27 by picking up trash along road rights-of-way with the week ending the annual Earth Day Clean Up on Saturday, April 27.

The county will provide trash bags to any individual or group at no cost. Once filled, the bags can be left on the side of the road and a work crew will pick them up. Anyone needing bags can contact the county engineer's office at 251-867-0236 or their county commissioner.

Earth Day

The Greater Brewton Area Chamber of Commerce, along with the cities of Brewton and East Brewton, will be sponsoring Earth Day on April 27 with the Jay Road Landfill being open free of charge from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The landfill is open for residents only with no businesses or commercial organizations allowed to use the free service. No household garbage or chemicals will be accepted and there will be a $7 per item charge to dispose of electronics such as televisions and computer components. The fee can be paid for with a check or $7.25 if paid by credit card. No cash will be accepted. Appliances can be taken to the landfill free of charge.

The city of East Brewton will have its trash truck available for East Brewton residents only. To set up a pickup, call 867-7998. No tires will be accepted.

A truck will be located at the publics works building on St. Nicholas Avenue in Brewton next to the fire station for people to dispose of tires. There is a limit of four tires per household and when the truck is filled, no more tires will be accepted.

Auto Zone and O'Reilly Auto Parts on Douglas Avenue in Brewton will also be accepting automobile batteries and engine oil.

For more information call the Brewton Area Chamber of Commerce at 867-3224 or East Brewton City Hall at 867-6092.