Staying Healthy While Traveling – 15 Brilliant Ideas
Hooray! The last school bell has rung. School is finally out and it’s time for vacation. Do you have vacation or travel plans?
Getting sick while traveling can be such a drag.
Trust me… I know! Staying Healthy While Traveling does not need to be a challenge! There are so many simple things you can do to stay healthier on your next trip!
Here are a few health tips:
1. Wash Your Hands Often
If you want the one EASIEST way to stay healthy, this is it!
We all know washing your hands is the best way to prevent sickness, so do it a lot while you’re out and about.
2: Pack Hand Sanitizer
When there aren’t sinks around to wash your hands, grab for your hand sanitizer! I always bring some along when I’m on a trip, and use it often… think airports, airplanes, door handles, Yikes!
3. Skip the Airplane Seat Back Pockets
A stewardess once told me how the seat back pockets on airplanes are one of the filthiest spots on the plane, and it’s true.
It’s scary what I’ve seen people stuff in there… dirty diapers, loaded Kleenex tissues, you get the picture. Just keep your phone, magazines, books, etc out of the seat back pockets, and trust me on this.
4. Always Stay Hydrated
It’s easy to forget to drink water, and that’s why becoming dehydrated when traveling is so common.
Pack your Reusable Water Bottle, and fill it up regularly to stay hydrated. Be sure to ask for ice water on the plane, too, then… drink, drink, drink!
If heading to Rome, make sure to take advantage of the awesome water fountains all throughout the city, too! Staying hydrated is one of the most vital, yet overlooked ways to stay healthy when you travel!
5. Keep Things Moving!
Oh you know what I mean. The dreaded constipation can hit at the worst times, and often when you’re traveling.
In addition to drinking LOTS of water {see tip #4}, it’s best to be prepared, so packing Fiber Bars and other high fiber snacks will keep your tummy happy!
6. Pace Yourself on Sightseeing
If you rush yourself too hard on sightseeing, your immune system will weaken, and you can easily get sick.
Getting sick when traveling doesn’t sound like my kind of fun, so I like to slow down and relax my schedule!
Take time to enjoy yourself, avoid the rush, and take in the culture and surroundings at a more relaxed pace.
7. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t skip it!
Skipping breakfast can leave you tired, drowsy, and whatnot later in the day. It’s a great idea to bring some extra snacks too.
These can include beef jerky, nuts, berries, and dark chocolate.
8. Pack Vitamins From Home
Pack up the Vitamins you’ll need on your next trip in zip lock bags to save space. I know it doesn’t sound like a party, but I promise this isn’t time to relax your vitamin taking schedule… this is when you need them the most!
9. Walk… a LOT!
When you’re at your destination, a simple trick to stay healthy is to stay active and moving.
Whether it’s to a restaurant, attraction, museum, or anything, it’s such an easy way to stay fit and healthy on your travels, and it’s a cheap alternative to taxis or public transit!
Nowhere to walk? Then check out the hotel workout facility and go walk on the treadmill! Also, doing chair squats will give your muscles some stimulation.
Any kind of exercise stimulates the immune system, releases endorphins (feel-good chemicals), and keeps your brain sharp.
10. Wear Socks Through Airport Security
Airports are some of the worst places when it comes to germs, and having to walk through airport security barefoot is always so gross! {yuck}
When you take your shoes off, you can leave your socks on to walk through security. Or if you’re wearing flip flops or sandals, bring a pair of socks along in your pocket to put on before you walk through. No more barefoot airport time. Phew!
11. Bring a Mini Back Roller
There’s nothing worse than an achy back or legs when you’re away from home.
Having a mini back roller is basically like having a little chiropractor or massage therapist on hand!
After long days of walking, standing, or sitting on a plane, rolling your back and calves of your legs feels SO good!
12. Or Bring a Tennis Ball
A small alternative to the mini back roller is to bring a tennis ball! You can easily roll out the knots in your back or feet with them.
13. Try to Catch a Cat Nap!
Falling asleep on long flights is always a challenge, but if you bring along a Travel Pillow, a Travel Sleeping Mask, and Earplugs, I guarantee it will be a lot easier!
Even if you just rest with your eyes closed, you’ll feel so much better when you arrive at your destination all rested up!
If you’re on a road trip {and not the driver, of course}, try to catch a cat nap there as well!
14. Protect Your Skin
Don’t forget to wear sunscreen, sun glasses, wide brim hat and protect yourself from the sun between 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p. m.
15. Stay Off Social Media.
Don’t tip criminals off by sharing too much information on your social networks.
Refrain from posting photos, status updates, or “checking in” while on vacation.
Even if you have the highest security settings on Facebook and Twitter, your personal information could still be seen by unwanted eyes.
16. Tell Friends and Family at Home Your Itinerary.
It’s a good idea to let family and friends know your plans.
Always let someone know when you’re expected to be back and what route you’re planning to take.
We hope you have a safe, enjoyable and healthy vacation.
Source: Never Ending Journeys and Hilary Johnston