Let Democrats drag that dead horse

After more than two and half years of Russian collusion frenzy, Democrat fervor for this ridiculous hoax is unlikely to fade. But if you understand Democrats, their insane perseverance is predictable. This whole fiasco was never about Russian interference in our elections or Russian collusion to steal the 2016 election. It always was and still is to disrupt, paralyze, and if possible topple the presidency of Donald Trump.

​Democrats, “never Trump“ Republicans, and power mad federal bureaucrats still reject Trump and resent his effective efforts to drain their swamp. They are convinced they are anointed to rule and this outsider shall not remain much less be allowed to undermine the elite ruling class. Therefore, any means is justified. Their goal is simple and singular; stop Trump at any cost. So nothing matters to that end, even the truth.

​The problem for these nefarious nimrods is that Americans are largely over this nonsense. Incredibly suspicious and tenuous from the start, Americans expected an end and relief from the insidious acrimony when the two years in the making Mueller Report was finally released. To the distinct dismay of Democrats, the Special Counsel found NO evidence of ANY collusion or conspiracy by ANYONE! And the report declined to make any pronouncements about obstruction of justice.

​That should have ended the fevered Democrat fantasy, but no! Democrats know they can continue this criminal charade with impunity because their slavish accomplices in the media will continue to flood the people with fake news. While the Mueller report took the wind out of Democrat’s impeachment sails, they maintained course albeit at barely steerageway.

​So Democrats cooked up the scheme to have Robert Mueller, the presumed author of the Special Counsel report, blow fresh hot air into their vindictive voyage by testifying to Congress. He was supposed to resurrect impeachment and give Democrats renewed talking points about how awful Trump is which would revitalize animosity toward Trump. But Mueller sank the impeachment vessel with his meandering often clueless pathetic testimony.

​During and immediately after Mueller’s testimony, Democrats and media hacks were glum realizing it was a disaster. Several pundits noted that it’s difficult to actually identify anything the president did wrong. Newsflash: Americans have been asking that question for over two years, but now it’s clear Trump did nothing wrong. Even Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff admitted the only way to remove Trump now is at the ballot box in 2020.

​Impeachment may be dead, but Democrats are still bitterly clinging to their narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. The next day Speaker Nancy Pelosi still wanted to know, what is Trump’s relationship with Russia? They can’t let it go because that’s all they have.

​Most Americans are no longer fooled or undecided. They clearly saw Mueller was only a figurehead appointed to bring credibility to a partisan witch hunt led by rabid Trump hating Clinton loving Democrats. They know this is just raw politics.

​Mueller’s testimony illustrated how he avoided the fraudulent root cause of his fishing expedition; and he clarified how he overstepped his authority and sidestepped DOJ guidelines. Americans understand justice. You are innocent until proven guilty, so Americans were incredulous to hear Mueller insist the report he was unfamiliar with did “not exonerate” Trump! He must either prove guilt; or innocence is presumed. It’s absolute prosecutorial misconduct to allege someone “may not” be innocent! That notion is patently un-American.

​Let Democrats drag that dead horse to their doom in 2020. Beyond wide eyed leftists and media sycophants, no one is listening anymore. Americans are now asking what are Democrats doing for the country? Consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome, Democrats are paralyzed. They sputter about open borders and socialism, but they invariably return to smearing Trump because their ideas are losers.

​Trump will surely continue tweaking Democrats on Twitter, but he is now free to focus on making America great again. President Trump should pursue his economic policies with renewed vigor, press our enemies harder, and start tackling our massive debt problem. That is what Americans want and they will richly reward him for it in 2020.

​“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

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