Services need to match the money it costs

Everybody likes the services provided by tax dollars but nobody really likes paying taxes. We especially don't like it when our elected officials begin raising taxes for fees to provide those services.

At Monday night's Flomaton Town Council meeting an ordinance was proposed to add an additional $5 to everybody's garbage bill to help pay for not only the curbside trash pickup, but the dumpster that is located behind town hall.

Mayor Dewey Bondurant Jr., pointed out Monday night that the town had been running its trash truck for about five years and has not collected a dime for the service. Councilman Charlie Reardon pointed out that the last time Republic Services raised its rates to pick up the blue trash cans all residents have the council decided not to raise the rates on the residents of Flomaton but instead eat that expense.

While we can understand the thought that only people using the trash truck should pay for the trash pickup, we also believe having a truck pick up yard debris along streets in Flomaton is good for everybody.

We don't want to see trash piled up for weeks and months, even if it's not in front of somebody else's house.

The Flomaton Council tabled two ordinances Monday night dealing with trash and garbage and we have no problem with that as long as the council addresses those ordinances at the next meeting.

Councilwoman Lillian Dean also pointed out that some people pay more than others, especially those who have sewer and those who don't. Some places in Flomaton, like the Tri-City Ledger, doesn't have access to sewer. But there are other places, like the Holt Subdivision, that sewer is available and some homeowners aren't connected and still use septic tanks.

Sewer should be mandated where sewer lines are available. A mistake was made years ago when sewer lines were put in the Holt Subdivision and mandatory connection was not required.

The town council is forced to transfer funds from one account to another most every meeting, which means those accounts aren't paying for themselves.

We hope the council not only looks at garbage and trash, but seriously looks at mandating sewer connections for those who have access to sewer.

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