Century approves budget

The Century Town Council approved its proposed budget Monday night unanimously.

The total estimated revenues for FY 2019-20 is $3,637,345, which is composed of $1,453,798 in the General Fund, $233,000 in the special revenue fund, $2,500 the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Fund and $1,948,047 in the Enterprise Fund.

Estimated expenditures are $3,425,664, leaving a reserve of $211,681 to bring forward for a total of $3,637,345 to balance the budget.

In a motion made by Councilwoman Sandra McMurray Jackson and seconded by Councilman Ben Boutwell, the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Luis Gomez was not present.

In other business, the council:

-Approved to move a reserved $28,000 from the sale of an easement to Gulf Power from the General Fund to the gas fund in Oct. 2019, the new fiscal year.

-Approved Debbie Nickels to prepare requests for legislative appropriation for potential projects in the town.

-Approved an emergency purchase of materials to repair a drainage culvert on Elm Street which collapsed using Local Options Sales Tax (LOST) funds to pay for those materials.

-Took no action on the possible relocation of a gas main on the west side of Crary Road to improve it, which would cost between $10,000 and $30,000, although the county is not requiring it be done.

-Approved the evaluation and replacement of eight commercial gas meters by preparing a Request for Proposals (RFP), to be advertised immediately to expedite the repairs.

-Approved a contract with Century Correctional Institute for an additional inmate work squad.

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