POSITIVE PEOPLE are healthy folks. They are not only positive because they are healthy, they are healthy because they are positive.
POSITIVE PEOPLE take things as they come. They don’t stew over situations they can’t do anything about. They accept things as they are and get on with doing something about those things they can control.
POSITIVE PEOPLE put out positive vibes wherever they are. They are grateful for what they have…excited about where they are and what they are working on…and hopeful about the possibilities of the future.
POSITIVE PEOPLE understand the value of money. They realize money alone will not bring happiness… but it’s certainly a down-payment. On a more serious note, money was meant to serve, not be a master.
POSITIVE PEOPLE are those who know the value of living in the here and now. They do not concern themselves with what has happened in the past. They have learned how to live in the moment and make the most of what’s in front of them now.
POSITIVE PEOPLE enjoy themselves. They have a high regard for their own self-worth. They enjoy being themselves and they recognize that the only true happiness they will ever have originates in the deepest part of themselves.
POSITIVE PEOPLE are grateful for what they have and sustain a high energy thought pattern that makes them constantly aware of the kind acts of others. The grateful mind tend to look for the positive in almost any situation. This makes it easier for them to overcome the trauma of a bad experience or occurrence.
POSITIVE PEOPLE know they will find themselves in some deep water once in a while. But they don’t sink. They know something better is just around the corner, and they work deliberately and quickly to get back on the right track.
POSITIVE PEOPLE have a sense of humor. They have learned to laugh at themselves as well as with others. They don’t take themselves too seriously. They know laughter is great medicine for lifting themselves up when they are down.
POSITIVE PEOPLE enjoy people. They have a sincere concern for others. They get to know people and let others know them. And it’s when they benefit others that they experience a greater happiness within themselves.
POSITIVE PEOPLE have discovered that they can’t simply act positive…even though that helps. They have to truly be positive. And they are.