Climate fools fear monger foolish children in world

On the third Friday of September, there was a global strike demanding action on climate change. Around the world millions of high school and college students cut classes and tech workers skipped work to protest perceived inaction on climate change. For decades, climate alarmists have been trying to goad governments into disabling their economies by abandoning fossil fuels. Although enjoying modest success hobbling European economies, environmental extremists have had little impact on developing countries and the two largest economies of China and the United States, so they are turning to scaring the wits out of the children.

After all, who can resist crying kids in this era of pampered snowflakes? If actual evidence and reason are absent, send in the children to tug at our heartstrings. Leftists think it’s cute, but it’s actually unconscionable to fear monger kids with incessant doomsday paranoia. They are indoctrinating our kids with junk science predicting the end of the world before they can graduate college, so naturally kids are frightened for their futures.

It’s all a giant hoax to persuade us to relinquish our quality life and forfeit freedom. The kids like most liberals are being duped into thinking planetary catastrophe is upon us, so we must entrust elitist big government to save us. The problem is the so called experts have been universally WRONG for half a century.

Thanks to our failing liberalized education system, the kids have not lived long enough to realize the climate alarmists have an abysmal track record. John Nolte at Breitbart catalogues 41 climate predictions that were flat wrong. They are literally 0 and 41, but they do not relent because action on climate change is not the goal. It’s only the ruse to grab power.

In the late 1960s, the earth could not sustain population growth and we would all be starving by the 1990s. That was 4 billion people ago; world population has literally doubled since Paul Ehrlich made that dire prediction. Do you remember the 1974 ozone depletion scare? In the 1970s, scientists insisted another ice age was imminent within decades, but when that didn’t come to pass, the wackos neatly shifted to global warming. In 2008, Al Gore warned us the Arctic would be ice free by 2013, no 2014; but Arctic ice is actually growing again. Manhattan and the Maldives were supposed to be underwater by this year; they are not.

We were also told all the fish would die, the bees would die, and now again we are all going to die as earth becomes an inferno unable to sustain life. We were also supposed to run out of oil several times the past few decades, but now with abundant oil for the foreseeable future, oil has become the poison of the planet. Actually, fossil fuel has always been the target not because it warms the globe, but because it fuels freedom.

Our kids are not being taught that it is fossil fuels that allow us to support over 7 billion people with steadily increasing standards of living. Yes, our quality of life keeps improving. Feeding billions is challenging because so many poor nations are corrupt and still struggling, but we have enough food if we can get it to them. And it’s cheap energy that allows people to enjoy technology to connect and move about the planet. Oil is the fountain of liberty.

We should applaud the kids for getting engaged, but we should admonish them to get informed. However, they are as are we all at a disadvantage. Our institutions of education and media have become hopelessly biased and have abandoned any objectivity in analyzing the climate change nonsense that passes for science. They have become disciples of the church of climate alarmism utterly devoted to its dogma.

Climate alarmists may pray at the altar of climate change, but they are preaching socialism in pursuit of dictatorial powers. Their despicable manipulations of our children are stealing their futures by paralyzing them with false fear. And last but not least, God is in control anyway.

“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

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