I bet Trump wants to be impeached

I don't know about you but it seems to me that Congress spends so much time and money investigating and trying to find dirt on members of the other party it doesn't have time to do the jobs they were sent to Washington, D.C., to do.

We've got some major issues facing this country, from health care, welfare, illegal immigration to a continued 'war' against terrorism. But turn on the TV, turn on the radio or read a metropolitan newspaper and all we see is Democrats scheming against Republicans and Republicans scheming against Democrats.

If you've read many of my columns over the years, you know I'm not a fan of partisan politics. It's sometimes like the blind leading the blind where Yellow Dog Democrats vote for the Democratic candidate regardless of their views and die hard Republicans voting for the Republican nominee regardless of their ideas.

In Escambia County, Ala., I watched over the past few years where many elected officials who were first elected as Democrats have now switched to the Republican ticket and will run as Republicans in the next elections. They are the same people they were when they were Democrats, but the blind pull of a straight Republican ballot in the county has made it impossible for a Democrat to get elected in a county-wide election. When they were Democrats they were scorned upon, now that they are Republicans they are great public servants. But I know all of them. They haven't changed any of their views, they've simply gotten off the donkey and started riding an elephant. Many of the blind who vote straight down party lines don't care about the person or their views, they want to know which animal they are riding to the polls.

It seems we have the same problem in Washington. If it's a Republican idea the Democrats are against it, if it's a Democratic idea the Republicans are against it.

This may sound far fetched, but it's really not. If the Democrats came up with a plan to cure cancer, the Republicans would vote against it.

It's all politics plain and simple depending on whether to ride that donkey or elephant. If the Democrats propose it Republicans think its a bad idea, or they wish they had thought of it first, and will vote against it. It's vice-versa, if the Republicans come up with a great idea to get more people off of welfare and into the workforce, the Democrats would say no.

I'll be honest, I haven't watched any of the Democratic presidential debates but I've read the reviews. I did get tickled with a quote from Bernie Sanders who said nobody working 40 hours a week should be living below the poverty level. OK, I'll agree that the response I read was on Facebook and I don't trust Facebook, but somebody responded saying that if the people working 40 hours a week didn't have to pay taxes to support those working zero hours a week they probably wouldn't be in that poverty level.

Now I see the Democrats in the House of Representatives are working to impeach President Trump. Somebody gave them some very bad advice.

If I was a betting man, I'd bet that Trump wants to be impeached in the Democratically-controlled U.S. House of Representatives. Because he knows the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate will not remove him from office.

Bill Clinton survived being impeached by the House and Trump will also.

But Trump and other Republicans across this nation will use the Democrats failed attempt to get him kicked out of office to his favor.

He might even say what I said earlier, we've got a lot more serious issues facing this country and why are we wasting time and money on phone calls and emails when we could be addressing the serious issues.

If the Democrats want to re-elect Trump, they need to impeach him. Trump's sitting there like Brer Rabbit hoping they will thrown him into that briar patch.

If the Democrats and Republicans would spend less time hating each other and loving this country, we'd be a lot better off.