Council eyes auto tent sale ban

Although they took no action, the Jay Town Council Monday night listened to Allen Turner of Allen Turner Hyundai who presented his support for the ordinance ban- ning automobile tent sales from outsiders recently adopted by the Santa Rosa County Commissioners. The ordinance does not apply to incorporated areas of the county, like Jay.

Turner cited the predatory- type activities that go on at auto

tent sales leaving victims who purchase the vehicles with no recourse for action when a problem arises.

Turner said he has encoun- tered what he refers to as 'tent sale victims,' people who have purchased automobiles from a tent auto sale and were later stuck with the vehicle because by Monday morning, the tent was gone. He told of two people who thought they were pur- chasing a certain year car at a certain interest rate to later find out the car was a different year model and the interest

rate was four times what they thought they were paying.

Turner brought a shiny flier people will receive in their mailbox prior to the sale that showcases money give-aways, prizes, a key that will match a new vehicle and other gim- micks that get them there so they can possibly be sold a less- then-desirable vehicle.

Jay attorney Steve Cozart said the town would be better to model an ordinance of its own after what Santa Rosa County has done, then have two read- ings and vote on it.

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