Woman faces drug charge

A Century woman who told an officer “some unknown per- son had run by the vehicle and thrown the pipe and metham- phetamine onto her lap” is fac- ing drug charges after the offi- cer observed the vehicle she was a passenger in blocking the roadway and a subsequent vehicle search revealed drugs on Oct. 13.

Jennifer McCann Zisa, 37, 3340 W. Highway 4, was a pas- senger in an older model blue Chevy Blazer parked partially off the road at 44 Cottage Hill Road in Cantonment, when an officer observed the vehicle was blocking the road, according to an Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff's Office report.

The officer made contact with the driver, later identified as Anthony Zisa, Jennifer's husband, and immediately detected the odor of burning methamphetamine coming from inside the vehicle, the report said. Both suspects were nervous and the officer noticed Jennifer had a white powder on her pant leg. Driver Anthony had a small piece of wood approximately 12 inches long by 5 inches wide sitting on his lap with the empty corner of a cellophane bag sitting on top of it.

The report noted the officer

inquired why the couple was sitting in the car blocking the road and Anthony said he was reading a scripture off the wooden block and the officer noticed his eyes were extremely bloodshot and his hands were shaking.

The officer noticed a sock sitting between Jennifer's legs with what appeared to be the corner of a glass methampheta- mine pipe sticking out of it. The officer also noticed a straw commonly used for snorting narcotics lying on the ground just outside the passenger door of the Blazer. The report said it appeared as if the straw had just recently been thrown out, the report said.

The officer had the two sus- pects exit the vehicle and the officer picked up the sock with the suspected meth pipe in it. The glass pipe in the sock was a

meth pipe and had heavy residue in it. A wadded up five- dollar bill suspected of contain- ing meth would have been locat- ed just under Jennifer's right thigh, the report said. When the suspected meth was tested posi- tive for meth, Jennifer was arrested.

The officer spoke with Anthony after reading him his Miranda rights, Anthony told the officer the couple had been working for Feather McGlothren who lives at 44 Cottage Hill Road and that they were rewarded for their work with the meth found in the car, the report stated. Anthony was further questioned about the expired tag on the vehicle, and the officer was informed it was a friend's vehicle.

After Jennifer was read her Miranda rights, she tried to blame possession of the meth on her husband, then asked to take to him to get him to take the charges. Jennifer then changed her story and told the officer, “Some unknown person had run by the vehicle and thrown the pipe and metham- phetamine onto my lap this evening,” the report said.

Jennifer was transported to the Escambia County Jail and charged with one count felony possession of a controlled sub- stance without a prescription and one count possession of drug paraphernalia and given a total bond of $6,000.

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