Maybe we should stick to football

With the holidays approaching, some will find themselves on edge about what to discuss as they gather around the Thanksgiving dinner table surrounded by friends and family.

Let’s face it, there are two topics that are highly regarded as explosive topics: religion and politics. Well, I’d like to add a third topic to that list for us folks south of the Mason-Dixon football.

I can tell you I have had recent incidents that altogether remind me to steer clear of these nuclear topics.

First of all, let’s tackle (yes, pun intended) politics. Now with the political charge for the 2020 elections bulldozing forward and all the controversy surrounding the impending impeachment proceedings in Washington, D.C., it’s no surprise that this topic might be a big ‘no-no’ at the Turkey Table.

But let’s be clear why. No one will ever one hundred percent agree on the route to take to solve our country’s issues. I’ll say it again to really make it sink in, no one will ever agree one hundred percent on fixing our nation’s issues.

I’ll even give an example as to why this is true. Let’s take the issue of global warming.

Some will say that global warming does not exist and that it is a by-product of radical liberal scientists trying to bully and scare people. Others will argue that the next generation will not have forests to walk through and that we’ll all be extinct in a hundred years.

It doesn’t matter what side of the issue you fall on this matter, you still won’t find someone that agrees with you.

Case and point, I was recently engaged in a conversation about this very topic and the person on the other side of the phone line agreed with me (don’t worry, I’m not going to say which side of the fence I stand); however, a heated debate erupted because we had differing ideas on the best way to approach the subject and the conversation ended with a fiery debate, a few choice words and, mysteriously, a ‘dropped call’. This is significant, folks, because this person and I generally agree on everything. So again, my point, don’t bring up politics at the feast of bounty because no one will agree.

Now religion. Don’t do it. Just steer clear. Everyone has their own opinions on this topic and there are currently 4,300 recognized religions in the world according to a recent study in the United Kingdom, and I’d hazard a guess, at least triple the interpretations of those religions. People tend to get argumentative over justifying their personal experiences and beliefs.

Let people be happy and content with their personal relationships with their Higher Power. If they are seeking answers and have questions, then by all means, but don’t try to force people to believe excatly the way that you do. Someone wise once said, if you can explain your God, your God’s too small.

On to football. Oh football. Us southerners are lucky and cursed to have such wonderful football teams in the best conference in college football, the SEC. We are like siblings trapped in the back seat fighting each other on long road trips as mom and dad tell us to stop hitting each other.

Wait, I just realized those might have been fighting words to fans that support OSU and Clemson, so on second thought, football should be fine to talk about over homemade dressing and sweet potato casserole. Go ahead SEC fans, maybe we should just stick to football.

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