Another Washington whitewash

The long awaited Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) Report is finally out. All the corruption, errors, and questionable spying uncovered by a handful of intrepid journalists and talk show hosts has been thoroughly documented. Corrupt DOJ and FBI partisan hacks did pretty much everything conservatives have suspected for almost 3 years, but Democrats are declaring vindication! Wait! What?!

Yep. As we thought, the FBI used the salacious entirely fabricated DNC opposition research bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton “Steele Dossier” as the primary source to procure warrants from the FISA Court or more precisely secret permission to spy on the Trump campaign. The FBI lied and presented Hillary’s homework as corroborated, but it NEVER did or even could corroborate that garbage. The FBI conspicuously omitted the fact former Trump advisor, Carter Page, had years earlier assisted the FBI in exposing and convicting Russian spies.

The IG report explains how FBI agents and informants literally gave invented information to another former Trump advisor, George Papadopoulos; then asked him to repeat it to another FBI informant over drinks and used that FBI planted information as a reason to investigate further! This is the equivalent of a police officer dropping an open bottle in your back seat and using that to demand a full search of all your possessions, your family’s possessions, and everything your boss ever touched.

In the details and meat, the IG report is damning to DOJ and FBI leadership. They presented false information and hid information from the FISA court. There are also numerous procedural errors and even illegal actions which were all incidentally against Trump, but the IG report found the FBI had adequate sound evidence to open the Russian Hoax investigation in 2016. Huh?!

Let’s get this straight. The FBI and perhaps the CIA entrapped a young unwitting campaign aide to manufacture a false premise which they then used as a reason to spy on a presidential candidate; and then they used the opposing candidate’s propaganda to verify their false premise! And somehow IG Michael Horowitz determined all these LIES justified subverting the rule of law to spy on Trump?!

But it gets better. Forget all the snide Trump hating texts between FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Lawyer Lisa Page. Never mind all the incestuous relationships between DOJ/FBI/CIA and Democrat hired propagandists at Fusion GPS. IG Horowitz found NO BIAS in the FBI’s conduct of their investigation!!! WHAT?!

Again, let’s get this straight. The Obama Administration’s wide eyed entrenched bureaucratic loyalists worked covertly and feverishly to spy on the opposition party’s presidential candidate for reasons they entirely made up and the IG saw NO BIAS?!

Remember, it was former FBI Director James Comey that briefed Trump on the fraudulent Steele Dossier and then promptly reported “mission accomplished” to former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, who then leaked it to CNN hoping to embarrass the president. And it was Comey who LEAKED classified information upon his firing specifically to precipitate a Special Counsel. Comey was working against President Trump the WHOLE time, but Horowitz overlooks it?

Folks, we have been here before. Remember in July 2016 when Comey held a press conference about the investigation into Hillary’s illegal unsecure email server. He described the incredible vulnerabilities of her email and the likelihood that foreign services had obtained them; and he recited chapter and verse of procedural irregularities, regulation breaches, and statute violations! He had her dead to rights and read the nation a veritable indictment. But then he changed negligence to carelessness and added “lack of intent,” which is NOT in the law, as mitigating circumstances.

So with a wink and a nod, Comey usurped Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s authority and absolved Hillary Clinton of numerous criminal activities that have put many other mere American citizens in prison. This comparison actually exposes the incredible double standard and breath taking bias in the DOJ/FBI. When Hillary’s email problems were exposed, the FBI went to Hillary for an explanation. They gave her staff immunity and interviewed her NOT under oath AFTER they had written their exonerating report. For Trump, the FBI manufactured and planted evidence, and then spied on Trump.

Horowitz simply pulled a Comey snow job that gave Democrats a thread to swing on, but he did provide myriad FBI malfeasance. The Horowitz IG Report is aggravating, but he did not shut the door. He left a detailed roadmap for US Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation. Unlike Horowitz, Durham can indict. He has already expressed his disagreement with the IG Report’s findings. Durham’s evidence is leading to a different conclusion, so be patient. It appears Attorney General Bill Barr and Durham are hot on the trail and will hopefully hold the traitors accountable.

“And her prophets have smeared whitewash for them, seeing false visions and divining lies for them, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD,’ when the LORD has not spoken.” Ezekiel 22:28