2020 marks two years writing for the Ledger

Dear Friends,

This being the first article for 2020, I want to tell you all some things I have planned for the New Year. First, I must tell you this is ending a complete two years of writing for The Tri-City Ledger under BYGONE TIMES. I never in a million years would have guessed I would write my memories for anyone but my children and grandchildren. That was my hobby for many years. I privately wrote stories with the intention of leaving my old yellow legal pads filled with information so my offspring would know what life I had lived and why I am the way I am.

Years later, I decided to share some favorite tales on Facebook. I got some positive response, some encouragement to share more and suggestions to putting my mess into a book.


Several years of posting and getting, "You need to do a book."

Then one evening I got a message from my dear friend Gretchen McPherson, staff writer for the Tri-City Ledger, telling me I should share my stories in the paper.


Long story short, Gretchen talked to Editor Joe Thomas about me doing a weekly article under BYGONE TIMES. I don't know exactly what Joe was told about me, but he agreed to having me write. Here is the part that did it for me: Gretchen told me that Mr. Joe said, " I want somebody to write about the Pioneers."

"Pioneers, Ha, Ha!"

Sold American!

I agreed, with one request. I asked that my stories be printed as submitted. What you read is exactly what I sent to the Tri-City Ledger. My reasoning was, if my words were rearranged, the story would not be in my voice and how I wanted to say things. It would not be authentically my stories. We agreed, not a single word has ever been changed. What you read is exactly what I sent to the Tri-City Ledger. Old School verbal handshake.

From the articles I wrote in 2018, I now have my first published book, Life With the Top Down. Articles written this past year 2019, will be a second published book if all goes according to plans. My son, Jon Sidney Crews does the book edit to get it published. What he does is way above my ability. I write, Jon cleans it up and readers read it.

Now, I want to share my plans for the coming year. I have written my childhood memories. I have had many readers tell me how it brings back memories of their own days of yore. I KNOW many have some special stories that need to be shared and kept here as Historical. I'm asking for anyone who wants to share a special memory from childhood until now.

You may tell your own story or one your parents/grandparents told. It can be about anything that left a sweet memory. School days, family legends, accomplishments, broken promises, wedding mishaps, births or anything worthy of sharing. Please keep your story within the boundary of decency for public viewing. Also, please make sure you have permission to use others’ names and be able to document time and location of whatever you share in your story. For those stories chosen, I'll copy/rewrite it to fit the paper. Please direct all submissions to Gretchen McPherson at the Tri-City Ledger.


You can check out Earline’s blog and buy a copy of her first book “Life With the Top Down” at: http://www.earlinesdoins.com.

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