Property taxes now late

If you are reading this story and have not paid your proper- ty taxes in Escambia County (Ala.) you are now delinquent but do have time to pay those taxes before the property is auc- tioned off in front of the court- house sometime in mid-May.

Property taxes were due at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 31. Tax Collector Tim Pettis said pay-

ments received in the mail that were postmarked on or before Dec. 31 will be accepted as being paid on time.

As of Tuesday morning, Pettis said about $14,300,000 of the $17,447,000 taxes owed had been collected. He expected the collected amount to top $16 mil- lion by time mail is collected Thursday.

He also said the amount col- lected is on par with what has been collected in years past.

Beginning Jan. 1, those out-

standing tax bills will be assessed a 3 percent penalty, plus a $5 collector's fee until Feb. 28.

On March 1, the interest is increased by 2 percent to 5 per- cent, plus a $5 probate fee and a $10 collection fee.

Pettis said taxes not paid by early May will be advertised and sold at public auction on the front steps of the court- house. He said the exact date of the sale has not been set.