Will the 20's roar again?

A New Year should typically bring new hopes and optimism, but we are also upon a new decade. A century ago, the 1920s became the “Roaring 20s!” After a bloody world war to end all wars, Americans were eager for good news. Similar to today, the 1920s were decade of incredible technological innovation and unparalleled prosperity.

Americans were rushing out to buy automobiles, radios, and refrigerators. With air travel developing, we were more connected and more mobile than ever before. Inventors were busy bringing us the pop up toaster, the instant camera, the electric razor, the hair dryer, and the bulldozer. We ate better with frozen food, the cheese burger, and bubble gum. Medicine advanced with insulin, penicillin, and the Band-Aid. Americans were living better than ever before – life was good.

As the next decade of the 20s dawns, technology is developing at dizzying rates. Almost every American already holds a super computer in their hand with almost infinite information at their fingertips. Automation promises to burgeon with driverless cars, drones, and robots. In the 1920s, the world could reach Americans through radio, but in the 2020s Americans can reach the world through the internet. We can connect anytime anywhere. The world has indeed become small and convenient.

As the last decade closes out, we should reflect on the past decade and ponder the tidings of the next. While technological innovation was impressive the past decade, prosperity was elusive until the last three years. Fighting endless seemingly unwinnable wars, Americans were resigned to perpetual strife. President Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” America, but that meant accepting a stagnant economy as we ease into globalism and socialism, but Americans innately knew our best days could not be only behind us.

Americans longed for a champion that still believed in America. Enter President Trump and his indomitable America first mantra. The ruling elite sneered at his enthusiastic vision for America, but average Americans were drawn to his winning attitude and brash approach. Trump warned official Washington and promised to drain the putrid establishment swamp; and Americans cheered.

It was past time to put America first again. Despite incessant nefarious attempts by the Democrat-media complex to undermine and even destroy Trump’s presidency, a determined Trump has still aggressively restored a robust economy and stabilized a chaotic world. More Americans are working than ever before and wages are finally rising. Without starting any new wars, he has kept our enemies at bay.

Riding the current wave of optimism and economic expansion, there is great potential for continued growth and tremendous prosperity for all Americans in the next decade, but the next decade is difficult to forecast when politics are in play. However, there are a few things we can predict for 2020 with relative certainty.

Impeachment will fail to remove President Trump from the Oval Office, but that will not deter Democrats. The hopelessly corrupt Democrat-Media complex will continue to cling to their Russian and Ukrainian fantasies; and they will shamelessly fabricate whatever fraud they think could damage Trump. They have no credible candidates or viable policies to offer and the Democrat vision for America is malaise and turmoil, so their only strategy is to malign Trump and try to paralyze him until Democrats can regain both houses of Congress. Without a doubt, Democrats will continue to deceive and divide Americans in 2020.

The 2020s could very well roar again, but whether all the ridiculous political drama ceases or continues is up to the voters. President Trump in all probability will be handily reelected, but if Democrats retain the House in 2020, the corruption and shenanigans will never stop. Democrats have foisted a fantastic frivolous fraud on the country. They must be roundly punished at the ballot box in 2020 to spare the nation more of this nonsense and hopefully spur Democrats to a long overdue overhaul and reform.

“Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.” Exodus 18:21

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