Flomaton votes to stripe road

Until it can get the road resurfaced and striped, the Flomaton Town Council agreed to spend up to $5,000 to put a center line on Upper Creek Road that will include a 2-foot stripe 10 feet apart for 1.5 miles.

Karen Cash addressed the council Monday night saying the situation is dangerous.

“Right now it's terrible,” Cash said. “There are no lines and it's very dangerous.”

She said when it's raining and storming you can't tell if you are on the road.

Mayor Dewey Bondurant Jr., said the town has received a grant to repave Upper Creek Road and Carter Drive later this year that will require a $50,000 local match.

“This year, Upper Creek Road and Carter Drive will be repaved,” Bondurant said.

Councilwoman Lillian Dean asked if would be senseless to stripe the road now and then cover it up with new asphalt.

Councilman Buster Crapps made a motion to go ahead and stripe the road.

Utilities Superintendent Shaun Moye said it would cost between $15,000 and $20,000 to stripe the road. He noted that the Alabama Department of Transportation will mandate the type of paint that has to be used.

Town Attorney Chuck Johns also said anything the town does, it needs to be done to highway safety standards.

The council then agreed to spend up to $5,000 for the partial striping.

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