Coastal Alabam Community College Art Department is hosting an ‘Art For A Cause’ Empty Bowls fundraiser from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Thuesday, March 10, at the ATN Building near the soccer field and library of the Brewton campus.
Participants can buy a handmade bowl and get homemade soup. All proceeds will benefit Drexell and Honeybee’s in Brewton, a non-profit restaurant that serves hot food free or for the cost of a donation.
Feeding the hungry is the mission of Carlisa McMillan and her donation only restaurant, Drexell and Honeybee’s is doing just that.
Empty Bowls is a yearly fundraiser. It is an opportunity for local potters to make beautiful ceramic bowls that can be purchased at the Empty Bowls event.
Those bowls are then filled with delicious home-made soups and chili’s made by faculty and staff.
Everyone is invited.