Be wary of scams during this time

With this Covid-19 the world is now changing faster than it ever has before. By the time this is over there is no telling what kind of world we will be living in. I will be glad when this is over and maybe we can get to what ever the new normal will be, it could be very different, or it could be business as usual. Listen to your state and local leaders for information, and there are several websites updated daily for those of you with access to the internet.

I can tell you one thing, the criminals will be trying to take advantage of the situation, so watch who you give out vital information to. You could do like I do, I've had a few calls where the person on the other end of the call was going to help me out in a big way, all I had to do was give them my credit card number.

I always give them a number and when they ask me to repeat it I call out a different number, when they tell me it's not the same number I tell them, I know, I made both of them up, that is where the call usually ends. I don't get near as many credit card offers through regular mail like I use to, I don't know if what I use to do stopped them or not.

I would take the postage paid return envelope and put two or three papers in it and mail it back to them. I felt like I was getting two things done here, getting rid of a little of my trash and having someone else pay for it.

I've seen where some people are now calling squirrels the new chicken of the trees. Let me tell you from my younger days, I've ate squirrel, gravy and biscuits more times than I can count. Like anything else, it's good eating if you like it. The world is changing but it has changed a great deal since I was in high school fifty years ago. We lived on Hudson Hill and during hunting season several of us teenagers would walk right down the side of highway 29 to Salters Lake road carrying our guns with us and nobody thought anything of it.

After our morning hunt we would walk back up highway 29 with our guns. We also carried our guns to school with us, so we could go straight to the woods after school without having to go home, yes this is true for some of you to young to remember it. They were usually in the gun rack of our trucks, but like I have said, we live in a completely different world today.

Today even thinking about taking a gun to school is a huge no-no but was in fact quite common when I was in school. Back then there were a few teachers that would go hunting with us. I thought that I would give this little history lesson on how it was growing up in the local area here in the sixties and early seventies.

As for things right now, most upcoming activities have been cancelled for this year, including the Blackcat reunion held at Lake Stone the last Saturday of April, as well as Sawmill Day scheduled for May 2nd and also as I understand it, the Sawmill Pageant. The ASHS museum that is usually open on Saturday mornings is closed until further notice, and the ASHS meetings the third Tuesday of the month are all cancelled until further notice.

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