Call Jay Library ahead

Readers won't have to give up their favorite books for the next 30 days, but they will have to change the way they check them out as the Santa Rosa County's libraries are closed for browsing but allow check-out online or call-in appointment.

Library patrons can visit or contact 850-981-7323 anytime and bring their identification and make a pick up of media on hold for them between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, at any branch of the Santa Rosa County libraries in Jay, Milton, Navarre, Pace and Gulf Breeze.

Reading Without Walls will be offered April 1 through April 30 and encourages people to explore books about characters who look or live differently than them, topics they haven’t discovered, or formats that they haven’t tried.

Join the challenge online here. Complete all three challenges during the month of April and be entered to win a prize. Prizes will be awarded at each library for each of the following age groups: Kids (ages 9 and under); Tweens/Teens (ages 10-17); and Adults (ages 18 and older)

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