Century eyes second water source

The Century Council Monday night approved City Manager Vernon Prather's recommendation to approve and authorize Mayor Henry Hawkins to sign an agreement with Central Waterworks Interconnection to hook up an additional water source for the town if needed.

“We've got to work on our well over at the prison and we cant shut it down until we have another source of water,” said Hawkins. “We will run the piping if we need to use it and then turn it on. Then Central Waterworks will bill us for what we use. We have to take that well down and rebuild that shaft. So if we ever have another emergency we will have a supply of water if we need it.”

Prather reminded council members that a the town received a draft of the agreement in November of 2019. He said Town Attorney Matt Dannheiser has done a legal review.

“It was submitted back to Central Water and they have approved the agreement,” said Prather. “I am requesting that the council authorize the mayor to sign the agreement.”

Prather said the design and permitting at Tedder Road, where the connection will be, have continued and the council members were given an opinion of probable cost.

“If the agreement is approved, we will then go out and bid for construction on the project and bring it to you for approval,” said Prather. “After bids come in, the council can look at bids and discuss finances to can make recommendations of where to get the money.”

Prather reiterated that the interconnection is very important to the town of Century because currently well #3 supplies the department of correction facility, and that facility needs a measure of work. He said this interconnection will help the town facilitate the rehab that is needed at well #3.

Councilman Luiz Gomez made a motion to authorize the mayor to sign the agreement that was seconded by Councilwoman Sandra McMurray Jackson. The motion carried unanimously.

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