Flomaton giveaway Saturday

Boxes of food set to begin given away beginning at noon

Due to possible bad weather today (Thursday) the town of Flomaton has moved its food giveaway to Saturday with boxes of food to be given away outside the Flomaton Community Center on McCurdy Street.

Mayor Dewey Bondurant, Jr., said a tractor-trailer truck load of food will be delivered to the community center Saturday morning and volunteers will begin giving out boxes of food at 12 noon. Bondurant said the giveaway will continue until all the food is gone.

Police Chief Chance Thompson is coordinating the traffic to and from the community center. He said vehicles need to come down Ringold Street and turn left onto McCurdy Street. Cones will be set up to allow two lanes of traffic into the parking lot at the community center. Volunteers will then bring a box a food and place it inside the vehicle. Persons there to receive food should stay in their vehicles.

Thompson added that a map and video will be posted on the police departments Facebook page with more information.

“Due to the threat of rain Thursday we first tried to move it to Friday,” Mayor Bondurant said. “But we couldn't get the food truck Friday, so we moved it to Saturday.”

Bondurant said if it goes well, he hopes to have another food giveaway next week if the funds can be raised. He said he has been receiving donations for the project, but more funds will be needed for the project to continue.

People wishing to donate to the project can make checks out to Town of Flomaton Food Bank and either drop them off at the drive-up window at town hall or mail them to P.O. Box 632, Flomaton, Ala., 36441.

Marie Morris, who is coordinating the food giveaway said the food being delivered is USDA approved and each box given away will contain the same number of items.