Century OKs meeting

The Century Town Council approved a request from town consultant and former interim city manager Buzz Eddy Monday night for the Century Charter Review Committee to meet electronically otilizing a classroom at Century Pensacola State College (PSC) to move forward.

Century City Manager Vernon Prather reminded the council any public meeting must meet the following restrictions mandated by the Florida governor due to the current COVID-19 pandemic: the meeting has to be held in a location that is accessible to the members and provides for social distancing; provide technology for committee members who do not wish to attend electronically and participate in the meeting; provide the same technology to allow the public to attend electronically and to offer input or comments when such is requested as required in a public meeting such as this would be; and the meeting would be posted and advertised as required by law.

Eddy's recommendations were to authorize the Charter Review Committee to meet, authorize the town manager and town clerk to secure the services of an information tech consultant capable of setting up the technology necessary at the PSC location to meet the requirements, with a cost not to exceed $500; and authorize the town attorney to attend electronically and participate in the meeting.

In a motion made by Councilman Ben Boutwell which was seconded by Councilman Luis Gomez. The motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Gomez expressed concern about the cost of the county's attorney, Matt Dannheiser, at $250 per hour.

“If we are paying him $250 an hour, whatever information they need from him, that should be included in the $250, in my opinion,” said Gomez.

Councilwoman Ann Brooks said he is being paid for his actual time.

“So it seems to me that's a catch-22,” said Councilman Gomez. “If I'm getting paid to just be on the phone, and I tell someone one on the Charter Review Committee, ‘I don't know that answer, but I will do some research and I'll get back with you’, therefore, there's another charge.”

Brooks suggested limiting his time on the phone and having any extra research Dannheiser would have to do come before the council to be voted on if any extra fees were involved.

“I agree with what you just said,” said Gomez. “I'm on this money thing, and I'm not trying to be a hard head, but I'm done giving out blank checks, and then having to answer for it being on the council.”

Councilwoman Brooks asked Councilman Boutwell if he would modify his motion to limit the pay for the attorney to the time he is on the phone for the Charter Review Committee and that if any further research is to be done, it needs to be approved by the council first.

Councilman Boutwell modified and made the motion a second time, which was seconded by Councilman Gomez a second time.

All members voted again and the motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Sandra Jackson-McMurray had been lost on the phone and did not vote.