The Sunshine REport

One of the more difficult things for assertive people to do is to take a “pause for the cause.”

There are times when we actually become victims of our circumstances.

Events seem to rush us, press us, move us along at a pace that is injurious to emotional and physical health.

Taking a self-restoring timeout is as much about a mental gain as it a physical gain. This "timeout" gives our creative juices a chance to flourish.

It gives us a chance to think through ideas and solutions buried under the hustle and bustle of daily activities.

A wise move is to establish a goal-free zone where you have nothing planned... where there are no deadlines, responsibilities or places to be.

Such a zone allows you to unwind, regroup and just be yourself.

Sounds simple. But in the execution of a “pause for the cause,” it will take every ounce of mental discipline you can muster to bring it about. That’s because if you are not accustomed to some "me-time", you are definitely going to feel uncomfortable in the beginning.

It took me to the third quarter of life to get a handle on the importance of a timeout.

I can hear someone in the back row saying, “That’s because you got old.” Probably true.

But I now find myself kicking back and relaxing—taking a power nap--for a few minutes every day.

I read the results of a study recently that shows those over the age of 60 who take a nap a minimum of two or three days a week live 46% longer than those who do not. I’ve got a chance!

Reading that study reminded me of a sign that I once saw in a business: “If you don’t believe that the dead don’t come back alive, just be around here at 5 o’clock!”

Me-time should be done after work hours, right?

Life is to be savored. The beauty of “me-time” is that it is precious and rare.

For moments like these, you need the perfect pairing of being alone with some great relaxation music. My idea of quality “me-time.”

Please don’t minimize the importance of a “pause for the cause,” centered around a little “me-time.” This is a great tool to aid in getting a new perspective on you…and a clearer picture of where your are headed.

The moral: Take some time to unwind so you will have something in the tank when it is time to wind back up again.