Century council OKs LOST transfer

On Monday, Aug. 3, the Century Town Council approved Interim City Manager Vernon Prather's request to transfer $3,444.34 of Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) funds to pay invoices for services to improve infrastructure.

The funds will pay an invoice submitted by Hydra Service, Inc. for a replacement sludge pump at the water treatment plant.

Councilman Gomez expressed concern about well No. 3, which is complete out-of-service currently.

“With well 3 being shot, what is the status of well 2?” asked Gomez. “Can we do both at the same time?”

Prather said until the well pump is pulled out to, the status of what parts can be repaired or replaced is unknown. He said with wells, if a pump is repaired, it can be good for a while, but if a pump is replaced it can last a lot longer. He said that a significantly larger amounts will be requested when they begin working on well No. 3.

In a motion made by Councilman Luis Gomez and seconded by Councilwoman Brenda Spencer, the motion carried unanimously.

Gomez had requested Prather report the balance of the Florida Prime General Fund when transfers are necessary at each request. Prather presented a breakdown of last months transfers of $5,436.80 to the water fund for Municipal Engineering Services invoices and a transfer of $760.50 to the gas fund for gas bids, which left a balance of $822,392.48.

Prather reminded the council that although the town is taking $3,444.35 from LOST, a deposit of $19,417.44 will go in this week.

“We took out a little bit, but we put in more than we took out,” said Prather.

The balance of the LOST funds will be $838,365.57, according to Prather.

In other business, the council:

- Acting as local Planning Agency, read an ordinance (02-20) for an amendment to the town's Small Scale Comprehensive Plan for a .13-acre parcel at 220 East Pond Street from public institutional to low density residential future land use category. The council will vote at the next council meeting, Aug. 17.

-Learned that Town Planner Debbie Nickels will be providing the council once a month any development review requests due to the increase in development review requests just to keep them more informed, as asked by Prather

-Heard a resolution expressing appreciation to the town for supporting Town Clerk Kim Godwin's role as northwest district director of the Florida Association of City Clerks during 2019-2020

-Approved authorizing funds to pay for disinfecting for COVID-19 of the town hall building by a professional service prior to the election, to be reimbursed by CARES Act money

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