Flomaton worker is tested positive

Town takes action; COVID protocol in place

Flomaton Mayor Dewey Bondurant, Jr., said on Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020, they became aware that a town of Flomaton employee had become ill and was suspected to have the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. He said at that time the employee was placed on paid leave and asked to remain at home in accordance with federal guidelines.

“The employee was tested and we were notified today that the test was positive and the employee was diagnosed with COVID-19,” Bondurant said. “We have discussed the matter with the Alabama Department of Public Health. As such, employees of the town of Flomaton, or persons who have come into contact with the employee may have been exposed to this virus.”

Bondurant added that the library is closed and employees working there will be used to fill spots at town hall and at the SAIL center.

Bondurant said according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the virus is thought to spread mainly between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and/or diarrhea. This list does not include all possible symptoms. The CDC will continue to update this list as they learn more about COVID-19. If you experience any of these symptoms please contact your health care provider or if you are an employee or volunteer of the town of Flomaton please contact your department head.

The town of Flomaton has taken measures to ensure the safety of our employees and citizens during this coronavirus outbreak, including but not limited to:

Disinfecting workspaces such as the Municipal Complex, Library, Community Center, and Fire Department on a routine basis, however after the exposure the Community Center was professionally disinfected;

Closing the Municipal Complex, Community Center, and Fire Department to visitors;

Any court or utility payments can be made in the facility's drive-thru windows or the town's online portal so as to limit direct contact between employees and residents;

Employees have been provided face masks and have been directed to wear them in accordance with a directive from the Mayor;

All employees and volunteers with the town of Flomaton shall wear masks when two are more persons are present. The directive applies to all employees and volunteers. In certain situations, masks may not be worn and those exceptions will be outlined by each department head. An example would be a fire call where the mask may present a hazard.

Federal law prohibits the disclosure of the name of the employee to the public however the Alabama Department of Public Health has indicated they will do contact tracing to determine who the employee has been in close contact with. Individual employees and volunteers will be notified by the town of Flomaton and the Alabama Department of Public Health will make such notifications as they deem necessary. In public health, contact tracing is the process of identification of persons who may have come into contact with an infected person and subsequent collection of further information about these contacts.

If the public has any questions regarding COVID-19 you should contact your health care provider or the Alabama Department of Public Health at 1-800-270-7268 or email [email protected] or review the following websites: alabamapublichealth.gov or cdc.gov.

Rendered 01/30/2025 14:06