Volunteers still needed to help with project
During Thursday afternoon's Flomaton Town Council meeting, Councilwoman Kay Wagner announced that plans for a May 1 clean-up day at the Flomaton Cemetery are a go and she already has people and groups committed to helping.
She said she has small American flags the Boy Scouts have committed to place on veterans' grave sites, but is still encouraging others to help.
She said this was not a town of Flomaton event, but is seeking help from people in the community to volunteer to help.
She said the event is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the cemetery.
“I've already had some people contact me who have already gone out there and done some work,” she said after the meeting. “We need people to help cut grass, trim bushes and azaleas, weed-eat and pull vines off the fence.”
She is also seeking help in cutting limbs from trees. She did mention that volunteers are not allowed to clean headstones, unless it's the headstone of a family member.
“Just ride or walk through the cemetery and see what you can help with,” she said. “If we get enough people, it will go real quick.”
For more information, contact Wagner at 251-296-2838 or Jim Justice at 251-296-2503.