Henderson named 'Teacher of Year'

FES staff taps teacher with 23 years on job

On Friday, April 9, several members of Flomaton Elementary School personnel, along with Principal George Brown, Escambia County Board of Education member Cindy Jackson, Assistant School Superintendent Sandra Reid and Elementary Curriculum Spervisor Courtney McBride made their way to sixth grade math teacher Luanne Henderson's classroom to present her with the Teacher of the Year award for FES.

Henderson is in her 23rd year teaching sixth grade math at FES, with 27 years total in education. A native of Walnut Hill, Fla., Henderson taught in Georgia from 1988 to 1992, then returned to her hometown and worked for Data Corporation until 1998. She decided to go back into education and interviewed with FES Principal David Curran, who hired her. Henderson's peers at FES voted for her to receive this year's award unanimously, according to Brown. He shared Henderson's ballot, which nominated the school's entire staff and faculty as deserving the title, especially in light of the impact of the COVID pandemic has had. Hendersomn said she thought all of them were deserving.

As Teacher of the Year, Henderson received a plaque of recognition, fresh flowers, and several other donations from local businesses. In addition, Henderson will have a parking space designated with a sign for Teacher of the Year for her, although she has had the same parking spot for years. "She gets here every morning before anyone else," said one of her peers. "She was here at 6 this morning. She goes so far beyond what is expected and works so hard for these kids."Sponsors included Flomaton PTO, Rabo's, The Haven, The Savvy Tux, American Coffee House, Nails by Audrey, Talula Belles, The Philanthropic Seed, Wind Creek, IFixxit, Leroy and Kellie Steele, Elaine's, Herrington's 2 on Highland and Modern Woodmen."I'm very, very elated," said Henderson. "I feel undeserving amongst a faculty of wonderful teachers, teacher aides, and staff. I'm very humbled, and very grateful, but at the same time, I think we all deserve it this year."