Flomaton moving forward on zoning

Council approves committee to study plan

The Flomaton Town Council voted Monday afternoon to name a committee to begin the process of developing a zoning ordinance for property inside the town limits.

Mayor Bondurant presented the council with a list of committee members that included him as chairman. The other members were Councilwoman Lillian Dean, Frank Weaver, Karen Cash, Sam Schott, Jim Burkett, Joe Thomas, Jimmy Brantley and Dr. Gary Silbernagel. He also included Jim Justice and John Brantley as alternates.

The zoning commission will hold its first meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday, July 21, at town hall. The meeting is open to the public.

Bondurant noted the committee's responsibility is to develop a zoning plan for the town. The plan will then be presented to the town council for a final vote.

Bondurant also noted that Diane Burnett with the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission will help the committee develop a plan that fits the people of Flomaton. The past two attempts to create zoning in Flomaton have failed to get council approval.

“I want to make it as simple as we can,” Bondurant said. “I feel the people of Flomaton will be pleased.”

Bondurant also said Flomaton's lack of zoning has kept some businesses from locating in the town.

“We need more businesses in town,” Bondurant said. “People don't come because we are not zoned. We're trying to stay afloat and this is the first step toward keeping our police department and utility department.

“Flomaton has got to do something and when I leave this office in four years I want it on sound ground,” Bondurant added.

Jess Nicholas, executive director of the Escambia County Industrial Development Authority, said getting the town zoned is a key component in attracting new businesses.

“I do believe it is important for all towns that have the capability to do it,” Nicholas said. “It sends a good message to commercial and retail properties people want to invest in. It makes the whole process look more professional.”

Nicholas said he feels the town is doing the right thing by addressing the zoning issue.

“Zoning is a question we are asked on every property list we get from the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama,” Nicholas said. “I can't remember getting interest in a property that is not zoned.”