Century approves first reading of its budget
After Town Clerk Leslie Howington read a letter announcing the resignation of seat 3’s Councilman Leonard White, the Century Town Council approved its tentative budget and millage rate Tuesday night at its first reading with a full quorum. The second reading will be at the next council meeting at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 4, at town hall, when the remaining council members will make a final vote.
The letter Howington read was:
“First I would like to thank the citizens of the town of Century for trusting me to serve on the town council and to work to help the town of Century become better. In this current working climate that so many employers are facing, my job has taken an unexpected toll on me, with shift changes and short staff and other matters I do not have control over. Today I realized with sadness that, to benefit the town, I must tender my resignation from council seat number 3, effective immediately. Century is my home, the place I want to help grow and be better. Council, please put someone in place who has the time and effort needed to continue the forward momentum we have started. It has been an honor working for the citizens and with the mayor and town council, and a blessing to have learned so much from Ms. Howington. Unfortunately, I cannot put my time and effort into serving the citizens like I wish I could. Sincerely, Leonard White, Council seat no. 3.”
Council President Luis Gomez said White’s position will be discussed at a later date.
“I’d like to send our sincere thanks to Mr. White for recognizing his situation and I thank him for his time and admire him for holding seat 3 and I wish him well,” said Gomez.
Mayor Benjamin Boutwell said he understood White’s decision, and appreciated his service.
“I thank him for the more than three years of service he gave to the community,” said Boutwell. “I respect his decision. I feel that he felt like he had to.”
The council proceeded to vote on the proposed millage rate and proposed budget for Fiscal year 2022-2023 with a full quorum.
FY 2022-2023 tentative millage rate
The proposed millage rate to be levied is 0.9204. The gross taxable value for operating purposes not exempt from taxation within Escambia County has been certified by the county property appraiser to the town of Century is $49,325,305.
The rolled-back rate for Century is 0.3657. The percentage of increase over the rolled-back rate is 151.68 percent. The increase in millage over the rolled-back rate is to fund the budget.
In a motion made by Councilwoman Sandra McMurray Jackson, which was seconded by Councilwoman Dynette Lewis, the motion carried unanimously.
FY 2022-2023 tentative budget
The town’s tentative budget for Fiscal year 2022-2023 is $5,828,525 and was approved unanimously in a resolution. In a motion made to adopt the tentative budget, by Councilwoman Dynette Lewis and seconded by Councilwoman Jackson, the budget was approved.