Judges warning about jury telelphone scams

However, ignoring jury summons is a crime

Escambia County (Ala.) Circuit Judges Todd Stearns and Jeff White want to warn residents of a potential scam concerning jury duty, but also want to warn residents that ignoring jury service summons does have legal consequences.

Judge White said there apparently is a scam where people receive telephone calls threatening criminal prosecution for not showing up for jury duty.

Judge White said the scam normally starts with threatening the person of being jailed for not showing up for jury duty, but going to jail can be avoided by paying a fine over the telephone.

“A threatening phone call will never be legitimate,” Judge White said. “Paying a fine for failure to appear for jury service over the phone will never be legitimate.”

Judge White noted that people selected for jury duty will receive those notices through first class mail.

“If they have not received a summons through the mail, they do not have jury duty,” Judge White added.

Judge White added that ignoring a jury summons does have legal consequences. Under the code of Alabama, persons who do not show up for jury duty can be fined $300 and may be imprisoned in the county jail for no more than 10 days.

Judge White said there has been a concern that some people receiving jury summons are simply not responding or showing up to court.

“We try to accommodate everybody’s schedule,” Judge White said. “But when it comes down to it, we have to have jurors to have trials.”

People selected for jury duty in Escambia County are randomly chosen through driver’s licenses and state issued identification cards.

Once a person receives a jury summons through the mail they do have the option of asking to be excused or to be deferred to the next jury term. Judge White said people should not simply ignore a jury summons.

“It’s rare, but it does happen,” Judge White said.

“We are being more diligent in determining why jurors, after receiving a summons, are not reporting,” Judge White said.

Judge White noted that failing to appear would instigate a court order, but noted such order would be hand delivered by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and not through a telephone call.

“We intend to hold people accountable who do not report for jury duty as required by law, but again, we will never threaten someone over the phone with any type of sanction,” Judge White said.

Judge White said there are legitimate reasons to allow someone to either be excused from jury duty or have their jury duty postponed to the next jury term.

When potential jurors, who have received summons in the mail, they will be directed to juror.alacourt.gov to confirm attendance or seek a dismissal or referral.

Judge White said advanced age does not automatically exempt people from jury duty. However, there are legitimate reasons such as providing extreme physical or financial hardships; for caregivers who can’t leave their responsibility; those who suffer from mental or physical conditions that would prevent them from serving.

While the jury list is compiled in Montgomery, residents having questions or seeking excusal or deferral, can call Linda Young at the Escambia County Courthouse in Brewton at 251-867-0370.

Jurors are compensated $25 per day when they serve and a mileage reimbursement of .625 cents per mile.

Presiding Circuit Judge Stearns makes the decision on excusals and referrals.

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