Atmore man faces three sex charges

Brown accused of sodomy, sexual abuse

An Atmore man arrested and charged with sodomy I, sexual abuse I and unlawful imprisonment II was given a $50,000 bond following an Aniah's Law hearing Tuesday before Escambia County District Judge Eric Coale.

Shaquille Javon Brown, 31, 1106 North Main St., lot 44, was arrested on incidents that began in September, 2019.

According to court records, on April 25, Brown is accused of grabbing a female by the hair and forcing her to perform oral sex on him, which resulted in the sodomy charge. He is also accused of forcing sexual contact with the victim and forcibly restricting the victim from exiting a vehicle.

At a May 2 bond hearing, Judge Coale ordered Brown to be held without bond, pending Tuesday's Aniah's Law hearing.

During that hearing the defense and the state recommended the $50,000 bond, which was granted.