Century votes quicker service over price

Bids to reflooring town hall comes down to which company can start the job the quickest

The Century Town Council Tuesday night approved to accept one of two lower bids submitted by flooring retailers, with the deciding factor being the company that can start the job quicker.

Three bids came in on replacing the flooring in part of town hall, one for $21,145.57 from Cannon Carpets, one from Home Depot for $12,926.44 and one from Shamar Carpet for $15,818. The install includes removal of existing tile in the kitchen and two employee bathrooms and carpet throughout and replacement with new ceramic tile and luxury vinyl tile flooring in utility, storage and supply closets, offices, foyer and front window office. The upgrade will be paid out of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

Councilwoman Alicia Johnson made the motion to hire whichever of the two lower bids could start the job the soonest, which was seconded by Councilwoman Sandra McMurray Jackson. The motion carried unanimously. No action was taken on which company specifically to hire.

In other business, the council:

-Heard from Mayor Luis Gomez told the council the town has entered into a contract with a company that will replacetown hall’s lobby walk-up and drive-through windows, which includes an intercom system for around $12,000, to be paid out of ARPA funds

-Heard the town’s designated rainout date for the July 4th fireworks show this year is Sunday, July 7, with the fireworks show scheduled for Friday, July 5, at Showalter Park, but will take place that Sunday in case of rain

-Heard from Mayor Gomez that every town employee has signed the new on-call policy acknowledging they are aware

-Heard the opening for the town clerk position has been advertised and posted to pertinent websites

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