Flomaton resident arrested to drugs

Pleasant is found with 10 grams of meth

A Flomaton man pulled over in Atmore for an illegal turn ended up in the Escambia County Detention Center on multiple charges after officers reported finding 10 grams of of methamphetamine, a digital scale, plastic baggies and items used to ingest narcotics.

Michael Darnell Pleasant, 45, 77 Martin Luther King Drive, was charged with unlawful possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and driving with a suspended license. He was transported to the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton and later issued a $50,000 bond.

According to reports from the Atmore Police Department, about 11:05 p.m. on July 12, officers conducted a traffic stop on North Main Street in reference to an improper turn.

When officers approached the driver, later identified as Pleasant, Pleasant denied consent to search his vehicle. A K-9 officer was requested to come to the scene and the dog alerted on the vehicle for possible illegal narcotics. The subsequent search revealed the meth and paraphernalia.