Atmore man faces sex charge

Craft accused of sexually molesting a child that began at age 6 until she was 15 years old

An Atmore man arrested for rape I, sodomy I and sexual abuse of a child under the age of 12 was waiting Wednesday afternoon to see if District Judge Eric Coale would issue him a bond following an Aniah's Law hearing held Tuesday morning.

Joe L. Craft, 47, 189 Antioch Road, Atmore, was arrested for allegedly abusing a young girl over multiple years.

Tuesday's 11 a.m. hearing was scheduled for not only the Aniah's Law bond hearing but a preliminary hearing. But his attorney, Gordon Godwin asked for a continuance on the preliminary hearing saying he needed more time to prepare. Judge Coale agreed to hold the bond hearing only.

Escambia County Sheriff's Officer Kevin Durden testified that the original report was filed with the Atmore Police Department on July 26. But once it was determined the alleged sexual encounters occurred outside the Atmore police jurisdiction it was turned over the sheriff's office.

Durden testified that the victim stated the sexual abuse began when she was six or seven and continued until she was 15 with the encounters happening at different places.

Durden said the girl said sometimes she would tell Craft to stop and others not.

Durden said the victim, who is now 18, said the sexual encounters occurred multiple times.

Durden testified that the abuse came to light when the mother of the female victim walked into a room and saw Craft toss the victim's panties aside. He said the mother later noticed mood changes in her daughter.

Durden also testified that the victim underwent a forensic interview with Stephanie Myrick with the Child Advocacy Center.

Godwin noted it was confirmed that Craft had no prior record of committing a sex offense. He was arrested for attempted murder but pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment in January of 2019 and also had arrests for robbery I and distribution of a controlled substance.

Shemarra Craft, Joe Craft's current wife since 2023, testified that she has a 7-year old daughter living in the same household and there has never been an issue.

She said she and Joe Craft have been together since 2022 and there was never been anything inappropriate toward her children.

She noted her husband had operated Craft Barbershop, located at 187 Antioch Road, for 30 years and he was no threat to the community.

Godwin did note that Craft suffers from back pains suffered in a fall and was not able to receive his pain medication in the county jail. Mrs. Craft also said there were times he had to sleep on the floor.

Gordon told Judge Coale that Craft could be a liability in the jail and requested the lowest bond possible with Craft being fitted with an ankle monitor.

District Attorney Steve Billy asked for a "significant" bond and an ankle monitor. Judge Coale took the issue under advisement and Craft was returned to the detention center.

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